Should we have and e-bay or ringer forum, or sticky thread? It seems to be taking over the stolen landies forum and pushing things off page 1 quicker?
Should we have and e-bay or ringer forum, or sticky thread? It seems to be taking over the stolen landies forum and pushing things off page 1 quicker?

Think you might be right. I't may be better to just post links to suspicious landys on just one thread. Call it a 'warning' thread to stop peeps possibly getting caught out. It could stay in this section. I'll do a quick check that peeps are happy for it. These threads can be moved to general chat for now.
Think you need to be careful with this one...

I know what you mean Storm. It would need wording correctly to avoid any legal complications. At the mo tho all the sus vehicles that have been identified are on e-bay. Have started a new thread to discuss.
How about just calling it the 'eBay special' thread? No legal implications there...

Though it could get confusing - there's normally several conversations going on about eBay ringers - having separate threads for each one works quite well at present

And Frosty... kudos to your colleagues - was at a gig on Friday - some Romanian chap stole over 25 phones - door men court him on the way out and police arrested + returned all phones (after 1 1/2 hour wait in the police station) - first experience in my life of the police being useful :)
How about just calling it the 'eBay special' thread? No legal implications there...

Though it could get confusing - there's normally several conversations going on about eBay ringers - having separate threads for each one works quite well at present

And Frosty... kudos to your colleagues - was at a gig on Friday - some Romanian chap stole over 25 phones - door men court him on the way out and police arrested + returned all phones (after 1 1/2 hour wait in the police station) - first experience in my life of the police being useful :)

That'll be my first experience too then!!!
Can't understand why all ebay sellers are rated at 100% :confused: Is this because the buyers are so happy at getting what they want they say they're OK?
Only ever bought one thing off ebay - series 3 console, and the ba****rd didn't even leave the indicator or warning light bulbs in :mad::mad:.
Can't understand why all ebay sellers are rated at 100% :confused: Is this because the buyers are so happy at getting what they want they say they're OK?
Only ever bought one thing off ebay - series 3 console, and the ba****rd didn't even leave the indicator or warning light bulbs in :mad::mad:.
erm they aint all 100%, Id not base your judgement on one transaction.
May i ask what is wrong about selling a chassis with ID?
Also shouldn't the ebay listings actually show you the item you are buying not just a picture of the vehicle?
I bought a good rolling engine/gearbox Series chassis with ID on Ebay. I also bought a donor Series with goosed chassis to use the body parts from it. Not all these will end up as stolen ringers but I agree that too many will end up this way.
Ah'm a wee bit confused about all this:eek: So, IF ah was wantin' tae sell the chassis, brake pedal box and V5 with rotten rear x-member and possibly an out rigger from the white bus (on SORN).... ah'd be reported???:confused::confused:

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