My 90 from 84 is on (whats left of) the original chassis, with a 95 discovery engine and 1968 series doors.

It was white, then dark blue then baby blue (allegedly) now oxford blue.

The seats are from a mid 90's defender and its got some mods..

I am, therefore a thief if i sell it?

Damn...forgot to add the wheels are from idea what.
no fecking wonder so many get stolen with so many peeps like you Ben out there.:confused:
For the record - I have never had any connection with the theft of or from land rovers. Nor do I condone such practices.

Even out here in the sticks we are aware of the growing number of vehicle thefts. Hell, we even lock ours during the Glasgow Fair!
But...not every land rover on ebay or such sites is a ringer....and not everybody that updates or modernises a land rover is at it. All I asked for was evidence to support the initial assertion. Obviously, I am not going to get it.

As per post 24, there are ways in which prospective buyers can satisfy themselves as to the bona fides of the vendor...or take appropriate action IF evidence is found to the contrary.

Now, where did I leave my jemmy? :D
My 90 from 84 is on (whats left of) the original chassis, with a 95 discovery engine and 1968 series doors.

It was white, then dark blue then baby blue (allegedly) now oxford blue.

The seats are from a mid 90's defender and its got some mods..

I am, therefore a thief if i sell it?

no just a tit :D
My 90 from 84 is on (whats left of) the original chassis, with a 95 discovery engine and 1968 series doors.

It was white, then dark blue then baby blue (allegedly) now oxford blue.

The seats are from a mid 90's defender and its got some mods..

I am, therefore a thief if i sell it?

Damn...forgot to add the wheels are from idea what.

im fooked to storm

my 90 has now got a 200tdi init, 300tdi axles, 2 winches, a lift, different seats, it was a truck cab but now is not and its been 3 colors :eek::doh:
I want to buy that Defender now :( Thanks alot Crow Man for showing us a sweet motor that has had some modifications since 1986! Although I have no money for it and already have a blue defender :p

It certainly has had some modifications - its a 94 model!

For some of you hundreds of posts posters you clearly know feck all about Defenders and just slobber on learning nothing.

Ben - you are not intelligent enough to recognise 'evidence' if it ran you over, so I will waste no more time on your inane ramblings.

Suffice to say its a ringer, the photos prove that completely but for those who prefer to think otherwise no problem - what goes around comes around.
Crowmann, i appreciate your concerns but its not attempting to be tax free or something its not, the listing is quite clear about that.

If its on the original chassis, as he states, then the only thing he can possibly be guilty of is rebuilding the rest of the fender around that...if thats with stolen parts neither you nor i can tell..i wouldnt like to be accused of 'ringing' my 90 after the amount of searching, sourcing and fitting the parts i bought in good faith..including a complete discovery which i never put in my name as it was scrapped after...i cannot therefore prove that my engine isnt stolen...but it aint!!
OK I have the time......

Its a 94 because:

Roof non ribbed
Front wings later repeaters
Colour Riocha 93 on colour
Door cards 300 tdi
Rear axle discs
Dash board late spec colour
Doors non lift handles
Engine bay identical to 300tdi - not a conversion.
headlamp surrounds later type
badging later
Bulls **** story about bulkhead - after all how else do you explain an 85 model with a rot free one

They are just what I recall off my head.

Were they a mix of different vintages of parts I might be less suspicious but they are not the car is simply a ringer and not a good one at that.
****ing bulkhead is fine from 84.

If its original chassis then its 86 (or whatever the listing says).

Mines non original doors, truckcab, engine, wheels, is mine a ringer, despite i did it all in the year ive owned it?
surely every landrover at some point in its life has parts fitted from different models later models,basically anything that will fit

my old 1988 fender had a discovery front axle rr rear axle,later type dash,different model rear door,was white then g4 orange..was 2,5td then 200 tdi and then 300 tdi,all done by me,does this make mine a ringer aswell then?
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Listen mate, if u can. It may or may not be a ringer, what with the evidence you have forced down our throats. The point is unless you are going to take plod or ur boyfriend down there to give the vehicle and presumably its owner a thorough going over, u r merely spouting ur skewed opinion which frankly is rather boring and arrogant. What in the name of solihull qualifies you to firstly accuse someone of ringing and secondly to slag off respected users of a public forum? If u tool the time to research the definition of ringing, you would see it requires 2 vehicles to share the same identity. It is with that in mind that I say, get your facts straight before you make broad and ranging statements. Have a nice day nobby.
Luv uncle fleck :)
God some of you lot were so at the back of the wrong queue when the brains were being handed out.

Hillarious replies, I guess you wear slippons cos if you needed to tie your laces some here would never leave the house.
Nice post, are you always this pleasant? No thought not, genuinely feel sorry for those who know or even live near you.

Truly the most cretinous reply on here for some time (look it up khaos - in a 'dictionary').


Off ya pop
God some of you lot were so at the back of the wrong queue when the brains were being handed out.

Hillarious replies, I guess you wear slippons cos if you needed to tie your laces some here would never leave the house.
i think when god gave out brains you thought he said trains

so you asked for a small slow one..
Listen mate, if u can. It may or may not be a ringer, what with the evidence you have forced down our throats. The point is unless you are going to take plod or ur boyfriend down there to give the vehicle and presumably its owner a thorough going over, u r merely spouting ur skewed opinion which frankly is rather boring and arrogant. What in the name of solihull qualifies you to firstly accuse someone of ringing and secondly to slag off respected users of a public forum? If u tool the time to research the definition of ringing, you would see it requires 2 vehicles to share the same identity. It is with that in mind that I say, get your facts straight before you make broad and ranging statements. Have a nice day nobby.
Luv uncle fleck :)

Luv uncle fleck:eek:

You are some mixed up fecker - have you ever sought any medical help for your issues?

No thought not. Shame.

BTW did you my little retarded pal read the ****e you posted? Total gibberish which would shame a simpleton.:praise:

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