Maybe coz selling it is not illegal, but using it to defraud the tax office is?
Is there anything to stop someone buying it and renovating it?
Yeah, I can't see Feebay taking it down with the way it's worded. What he's doing is not illegal. Undesirable maybe but not illegal.

Shame there's no pictures really which in itself might be an indication that there's no actual car to go with the ID - that WOULD be illegal.

Mind you, I'd buy it if it's a tax exempt S3. Worth restoring is that.

EDIT. Just texted him and his reply states that it is rusty remains of the chassis and the VIN plate only. No axles etc, Nada. Just bits of rust. None of which you'd want if you were buying it so he is effectively selling a vehicle's ID without the vehicle. Crafty Sod.
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perhaps someone near chelmsford should print it off and drop it into the local plod?
i asked him a question and got the response "dnt wast my time pls"

guess i wont be buying it then ;)
What he is selling seems to me to be legal, what he is suggesting you do with what he is selling is not - I cannot see how the V5 can be applied to another vehicle. I suspect the vendor would say that what he meant was that his vehicle and its V5 could be the basis of a rebuilt vehicle, but even then as I understand it there would be three legal possibilities - the vehicle is from a number of sources so is re-regsisered on a Q plate, or the majority of the major components on the vehicle are from one source, in which case the V5 from that source is what applies, and only in the latter case if the vendors vehicle is that "majority" donor would his V5 apply.
I`ve also reported it but suggested that ebay requires him to change his description.

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