well maybe i might conside to using the stuff all the time unless i put some carbon the the cylinders by driving it really slow all the time!!!!
It needs it because something (or things) aren't right.

Ether (for that's what it is) has a very low flash point. And therefore ignites very easily.

Blow it into a cylinder (or cylinders) where the compression/injector/timing/glowplug are not up to spec and it will ignite. Which gets the engine going, but does not solve the problem.

The reason that it is said to be addictive is that it's a fudge. Fix the problem and you won't need it.

As far as burning off carbon deposits: well maybe, would have to see evidence of that. Otherwise we'd all chuck it in for a de-coke. Which we don't.

Should you choose not to fix it you'll probably find that a dessert spoon of petrol into the intake is just as good as ether - and cheaper.
the petrol trick is very true but not as effective as a can of ether as the ether sprays a mist which ignites easier. you are also correct about it not solving the problem. yes it does remove the carbon but not just with one spray. its the constant use that does it and to decoke an engine would take an awful long time. and however you try to disguise it, your engine will never become addicted to it.
yer can decoke a injun by taking it some where quiet, set injun at high tick over and pour a tin of brake fluid down it.
yer can decoke a injun by taking it some where quiet, set injun at high tick over and pour a tin of brake fluid down it.

Kin ell

how on earth did someone discover that!!!!
got to of been a blonde bimbo woman...... " oh i need break fluid for my car.... i il put it in ear"

sorry to all proper women on ear..... no offence ment.
ave no idea how it wuz discovered but it sure do work. just pour it straight down the carbatootor or inlet hole at a steady rate of flow. yer gotta do it miles from any**** because of the smoke that comes out.
ave no idea neither as what effect it would have on a catalickit convertor but on 2.25 petrol injuns it works a treat
talkin of how did they discover that,

how did someone discover that the milk from a cows teats tastes good and while were at it, what the **** was he thinking of at the time
I was told, many years ago, that the easy start burns to fast/hard/something, and destroys compression by damaging the valve seats, etc? Just a though, which could suggest why the engine 'could' become 'addicted'? I dno, when i was younger it made sense... I watched someone start an old diesel tractor once, a trick they used (requires 2 people or very long arms) is cover up the air intake with your hand, making a good seal, then get your mate to start cranking it on full throttle, then after a few cranks to quickly remove the hand.
And is it recommeneded to de-coke ones engine as above?!?
it certainly does something to em but i dun know what, i used it on an engine and after that i couldn't get it to start without using it. new plugs , leads, points the lot. rebuilt carbatooters and it still wint start unless it got its hit of ether.

when yer say "And is it recommeneded to de-coke ones engine as above?!?"
who is it yer looking fer a recommendation from?
i've used it in the past countless times and it int caused any problems.
Does it actually improve the running of the engine? (the brake fluid that is) As if it does i may consider it... I have some brake fluid that needs using up...
if yer suffer from coke build up it burns it out. but its not gonna solve major injun problems fer yer
I don't think I have major engine problems, apart from it being a 12J and having little power, how do you tell if you suffer from coking? Remove the plug and have a look i spose?
there's a few symtoms one of which is 'running on' due the carbon glowing red and as its a hot spot this will ignite the fuel. course in todays cars yer more likey got lectronic ign which will cut fuel supply as soon as you turn the ign orf.

a drop in perfomance is another that could be caused by carbon build up.
but you have to think about the fuel you use, most fuels today have additives that help prevent carbon build up so the number of engines that require de-coking is greatly reduced from a few years back.

unless yer engine is so worn that it is only the carbon that is sealing the cylinders then you int got nowt to lose by bunging some brake fluid down it.

having sed that if yer got a cat fitted am not sure if it will affect it or not. i wouldn't have thought so as i've never heard of a cat. being damaged by an engine that happens to be burning a bit of oil.

if you want more info on de-cokes try google or the likes
Talkin about carbon build up an decokeing an wot have you, I had a Astra 1.4 petrol, an the oil gallery up to the head got bunged up, it turned out the Halfords oil filter had fallen apart an a bit had clogged up the feed to the head, any how I took the head off to have a look, an even though it had done over 100,000 miles you could still see the honing marks in the bores, an the combustion cambers in the head were stained a yellowy colour which could be rubbed off with a petroly rag. I reckon that modern fuel burns that much cleaner than it did 20 years ago that decokeing is a thing of the past. Any how enough about me, wots a good lookin lass like you doing in here.

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