On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 20:48:39 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> scribbled the following

>Lee D

i think I may have a picture of you taking pictures.......

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
Tom Woods <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny

> and just because i always feel bad for never making any meets - heres
> some proof that i have a good excuse this time as I achieved something
> topical this week&weekend!
> http://www.zen68482.zen.co.uk/101/2006-06_spraying/P1010004_Small.JPG

Oooo suits you sir!

Looking good! Are you doing the wheels too? Then the bolt on step on the
wheel black.. that would give goon zen ;-)

Certainly a good colour for Eastnor next year..... though I am expecting an
apperance at Malvern & the October Unofficial :)

Lee D
Reaching the parts other Landrover restorers can't reach - JLo makes new
home in the USA.
Percy IIa - two Engines to the mile, awaits a new chassis.
Morph - He's "living the dream".

a.f.l. & 101ers Unofficial October 2006

Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> uttered summat worrerz
funny about:

> Looking good! Are you doing the wheels too? Then the bolt on step on
> the wheel black.. that would give goon zen ;-)

wooops...Sorry to anyone who may have taken humbridge...I meant "good" but
I'm suffering from a severe toasting.

Lee D

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 22:32:25 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>Tom Woods <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny
>> and just because i always feel bad for never making any meets - heres
>> some proof that i have a good excuse this time as I achieved something
>> topical this week&weekend!
>> http://www.zen68482.zen.co.uk/101/2006-06_spraying/P1010004_Small.JPG

>Oooo suits you sir!
>Looking good! Are you doing the wheels too? Then the bolt on step on the
>wheel black.. that would give goon zen ;-)

back wheel on that side is done!. as was the tank until it got covered
in overspray!
The dents dont really look bad. the even colour has smoother them all
out a bit!

>Certainly a good colour for Eastnor next year..... though I am expecting an
>apperance at Malvern & the October Unofficial :)

Hoping to get the last day of spraying finished this week then can
move along to something else :)

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 22:37:39 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> uttered summat worrerz
>funny about:
>> Looking good! Are you doing the wheels too? Then the bolt on step on
>> the wheel black.. that would give goon zen ;-)

>wooops...Sorry to anyone who may have taken humbridge...I meant "good" but
>I'm suffering from a severe toasting.

are you calling me a goon!? :p

Though I think 'goon zen' might sum up how one feels after a very long
(8am till 9pm) but satisfying day of spraying when you sit down at the
end of the day feeling totally knackered and sunburnt yet satisfied to
have got somewhere!

Well....Bagheera was *next* to the 101 stand :) Did you spot him?

Elvira went around the offroad course and I now have a very happy wife as
she wasn't happy owning an offroader that she hadn't used in anger :)
(*cough* Elvira is not a Land Rover....)


On or around Mon, 12 Jun 2006 20:48:39 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Lee D

buggrit, looks like it was a good do. nemmind, there's always Malvern.

oi, Martyn, what about the Purple Land Rover Club?... hmmm, remove the Land
bit and it can be PRC which could be amusingly confused with the People's
Republic of China... or of course, write Landrover all in one word and it
can be PLC.

basically, I reckon all we need is a working definition of what's acceptably
purple, so something ranging from about as dark as Edward to a bit lighter
than Grumble... anything much lighter than Grumble gets a bit near to being

I daresay we can have honorary purple membership for people who paint 'em in
unlikely colours, like Dave French and the 6x6, for example, and for anyone
else we like the look of.

I'll have to see if I can mix any paint to match Edward, the tailgate could
do with painting, and I spose I ought to touch up the front wing. Might
also change the screen and bumper and so forth from being black, although
I'm not sure what colour I'd do 'em instead. Silver, maybe.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Appearances: You don't really need make-up. Celebrate your authentic
face by frightening people in the street.
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.

Lee_D wrote:
> http://www.zen79997.zen.co.uk/eastnor2006
> Lee D
> --
> www.lrproject.com
> Reaching the parts other Landrover restorers can't reach - JLo makes new
> home in the USA.
> Percy IIa - two Engines to the mile, awaits a new chassis.
> Morph - He's "living the dream".
> a.f.l. & 101ers Unofficial October 2006
> <http://www.lrproject.com/afl__101_owners_unofficial.htm>

How was is anyway? Child with Colic prevented us from going in the end
, real shame, was it worth going?


On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:04:29 +0100, "Neil Brownlee"
<n.brownlee@pccontrolNOSPAMsystems.com> wrote:

>Well....Bagheera was *next* to the 101 stand :) Did you spot him?

I was wondering if it was yours (actually, by the VRN knew it was
after the UK-LRO stuph), a Premier League Football player, or a drug

Coming quite soon:
Mother" <"@ {mother} @ wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:04:29 +0100, "Neil Brownlee"
> <n.brownlee@pccontrolNOSPAMsystems.com> wrote:
>> Well....Bagheera was *next* to the 101 stand :) Did you spot him?

> I was wondering if it was yours (actually, by the VRN knew it was
> after the UK-LRO stuph), a Premier League Football player, or a drug
> dealer...



Subaru WRX
Range Rover 4.6 HSE (The Tank!)

We might be going on a summer holiday, the Greece Ball rally!!!!

Dave R <v8bobber@yahoo.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny about:
> How was is anyway? Child with Colic prevented us from going in the end
> , real shame, was it worth going?
> Dave

Well.... apart from a most frustrating first couple of hours pitching the
caravan twice, no fault of any one here it was a super relaxed weekend of
chilling out. Stand was not overly busy but I was pleased to see a steady
number of what appeared to be seriously interested future 101 owners asking
all the right questions and making all the right noises when checking out
the various conversions.

I got a few toys, one of them steel sparky fire lighter wotsits for the fire
starter jnr. A green Camo net cos I couldn't find a sand one..... then 10
minutes later a sand one... kids will claim the green one for in the garden
for their climbing frame, closest we'll get to a tree such is the newness of
our house.

Er.... Models , books and a rad cap. Two bottles of Lemonade and a bottle of
Pimms, several ice creams so quite restrained really.

Company was priceless I have to say and the Grumbleplex was as usual most

Yer missed a good'un get yer ass'es to Malvern and the October Unofficial

Also muted was the concept of a Landrover Owners Camping club.

Lee D
Reaching the parts other Landrover restorers can't reach - JLo makes new
home in the USA.
Percy IIa - two Engines to the mile, awaits a new chassis.
Morph - He's "living the dream".

a.f.l. & 101ers Unofficial October 2006

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 21:22:21 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> scribbled the following

>Dave R <v8bobber@yahoo.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny about:
>> How was is anyway? Child with Colic prevented us from going in the end
>> , real shame, was it worth going?
>> Dave

>Well.... apart from a most frustrating first couple of hours pitching the
>caravan twice, no fault of any one here it was a super relaxed weekend of
>chilling out. Stand was not overly busy but I was pleased to see a steady
>number of what appeared to be seriously interested future 101 owners asking
>all the right questions and making all the right noises when checking out
>the various conversions.
>I got a few toys, one of them steel sparky fire lighter wotsits for the fire
>starter jnr. A green Camo net cos I couldn't find a sand one..... then 10
>minutes later a sand one... kids will claim the green one for in the garden
>for their climbing frame, closest we'll get to a tree such is the newness of
>our house.
>Er.... Models , books and a rad cap. Two bottles of Lemonade and a bottle of
>Pimms, several ice creams so quite restrained really.
>Company was priceless I have to say and the Grumbleplex was as usual most
>Yer missed a good'un get yer ass'es to Malvern and the October Unofficial
>Also muted was the concept of a Landrover Owners Camping club.
>Lee D

are you sure a fire starter is the correct piece of kit to give him.
He was trying to learn how to make traps as well.... A future Ray
Mears in the making ??????

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
Simon Isaacs <crgreobebhtu4k4@ogbcrajbeyq.pbz> uttered summat worrerz
funny about:

> are you sure a fire starter is the correct piece of kit to give him.
> He was trying to learn how to make traps as well.... A future Ray
> Mears in the making ??????

He'll not be getting his mits on it for a few years yet, by which time I
guess I'll be so attached to it he'll want a new'un, It's awkward trying to
strike a balance between a healthy interest / hobby and breeding a potential
arsonist ;-)

He was last seen disapearing with my magnifying glass muttering something
about sun and sticks....Steve??? ;-)

He loves watching Ray Mears so is well into that kind of stuff. I've got to
get some of his series on DVD assuming it's on DVD as I love it myself.

I'm now looking at the shredder bin and wondering how big my tinder box
really needs to be to last a nuclear winter.... you know just in case and
all that ;-).

Seriously though, next item on the wish list is a Kelly Kettle now so I can
be a proper survivalist nutter seeing as Guns are all but banned.

Lee D

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 21:39:05 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> scribbled the following

>Simon Isaacs <crgreobebhtu4k4@ogbcrajbeyq.pbz> uttered summat worrerz
>funny about:
>> are you sure a fire starter is the correct piece of kit to give him.
>> He was trying to learn how to make traps as well.... A future Ray
>> Mears in the making ??????

>He'll not be getting his mits on it for a few years yet, by which time I
>guess I'll be so attached to it he'll want a new'un, It's awkward trying to
>strike a balance between a healthy interest / hobby and breeding a potential
>arsonist ;-)
>He was last seen disapearing with my magnifying glass muttering something
>about sun and sticks....Steve??? ;-)
>He loves watching Ray Mears so is well into that kind of stuff. I've got to
>get some of his series on DVD assuming it's on DVD as I love it myself.
>I'm now looking at the shredder bin and wondering how big my tinder box
>really needs to be to last a nuclear winter.... you know just in case and
>all that ;-).
>Seriously though, next item on the wish list is a Kelly Kettle now so I can
>be a proper survivalist nutter seeing as Guns are all but banned.
>Lee D

I've got one, they're bloody wonderful, boil a cup of tea using any
fuel you care to use!!!

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
On 2006-06-13, Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

> Seriously though, next item on the wish list is a Kelly Kettle now so I can
> be a proper survivalist nutter seeing as Guns are all but banned.

Kelly kettle, water purification kit, some pre-made expedition food
packs (about £2 per meal), some army ration packs, some kind of
multi-fuel burner etc, lovely stuff!

Amazon has some good books on surviving in the wild, although I don't
think I'd recommend the one I just bought, "Food for Free" by Richard
Mabey, many of the pictures are decorative and hard or impossible to
identify plants from, and it's just plants, no "how to kill and cook
badgers" or whatever.

Ray Mears' books are apparently a bit of a mix, some stuff about how
to dig up some obscure root in the middle of the Kalahari, then on to
some food in Britain, then off to Alaska etc, I've not tried any of
those yet.

Any recommendations from anyone regarding good books on how to live

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 21:39:05 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>He loves watching Ray Mears so is well into that kind of stuff. I've got to
>get some of his series on DVD assuming it's on DVD as I love it myself.

He did once turn up at a show, can't for the life of me remember which
one, thought it may have been Eastnor. Then met him at a 'do' a
couple of years ago and asked him if he remembered the purple 101? "Is
that the one with the big black dog?" was his reply. Didn't know
whether to be offended or not :) He's a member of another fraternity
I frequent, so may bump into him again in August. I can ask him to
sign a copy of one of his books if you like?

>I'm now looking at the shredder bin and wondering how big my tinder box
>really needs to be to last a nuclear winter.... you know just in case and
>all that ;-).

Forget the shredder, get some Maya sawdust (also sold in expensive
little tins as 'Maya Dust'). The best way to learn to use your
firestick IMO. Best way to start a fire - without petrol or lighter,
is to get a Brillo pad, pull it into a 12" long thread, then put each
end on the car battery. Kids really love learning that ;-)

>Seriously though, next item on the wish list is a Kelly Kettle now so I can
>be a proper survivalist nutter seeing as Guns are all but banned.

They're made near Gaydon (have the address somewhere). Wouldn't be
without mine.

Here it is in Eire, complete with dog on string!


Coming quite soon:
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 22:05:01 +0100, Ian Rawlings
<news05@tarcus.org.uk> wrote:

>Any recommendations from anyone regarding good books on how to live

You'll probably laugh, but a good start is to look in your local
Scouting and Guides shop.

Coming quite soon:
Lee_D wrote:

> He was last seen disapearing with my magnifying glass muttering something
> about sun and sticks....Steve??? ;-)

Who me ? Its a fair cop. Overhead projector lenses are ace in this
regard. Glad I didn't bring one now.


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