
New Member
:confused:Hi all, im new to this but here goes. im interested in taking my 109 landie to eastnor castle (as in lrw) to have a go off roading, but cant find any information on what is required apart from the go pedal and the stoping pedal. does anyone know if it needs to be T&T'd and so on?:confused:
:confused:Hi all, im new to this but here goes. im interested in taking my 109 landie to eastnor castle (as in lrw) to have a go off roading, but cant find any information on what is required apart from the go pedal and the stoping pedal. does anyone know if it needs to be T&T'd and so on?:confused:

I would say YES to the T&T'd, but its my opinion, not fact.

Find your local ALRC club, join and go to look at an RTV, get some ideas and have a go yourself. Also lots of Pay and Ply sites about. Where are you located?
I'm 99% certain that when I was there last it was road legal vehicles only.
:doh:well that means more muddy fields for me for a while! til i can get her roadworthy then. but hey where there's a will there's a way! anyone got some paper work i can borrow.;)

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