Sounds cool, sadly my green laning career is on hold at the minute while I fix my oil pump... can't wait to get back to it though!
I'd be happy to tag along if anybody is doing it in Kent/Surrey any time soon? I'm a bit of a beginner though.
Hi guys,
Just been reading the thread..........
I am on the border of Sussex, Surrey & hampshire
I would like to tag along if that is ok
Hi guys,

Im new on the site but been greenlaning a lot of the past few months with a friend in a L200.

If you guys do any trips out anytime soon I would like to tag along.

I've done a lot of lanes around Sevenoaks and done half of the north downs way to just past Lenham.

If anyone knows of some good lanes any direction would be appreciated.
Well I'm well and truely bitten by the green laning bug! However my Landy needs some TLC and is undergoing a full rebuild at the minute (progress here) so sadly no laning for me...

Therefore I would like to offer my services as chief photographer/gate bitch on any group outings in exchange for a place in the passenger seat :)

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