Hope you all have a right good time.

Been meaning to do this and arrange a weekend/week of it for ages, just never seem to find the time! Got the routes and stuff already, just the details to arrange ...
I shall be breaking the news to my daughter tonight that she needs to get up at 6 am on friday:hysterically_laughi
Hope you all have a right good time.

Been meaning to do this and arrange a weekend/week of it for ages, just never seem to find the time! Got the routes and stuff already, just the details to arrange ...

You should have signed up for this trip Paul :eek::eek::eek:

Dont think you would like it though, no wild camping, we are staying in pubs every night :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
You should have signed up for this trip Paul :eek::eek::eek:

Dont think you would like it though, no wild camping, we are staying in pubs every night :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

LOL, I quite like pubs .. ;)

Have things to do over Easter, or I would have signed on .. ;)
Sue/Zip.. Have either of you got an idea of a time and place for me to meet up with the group on Sunday morning? Ta.:cool:
Have just finished checking Dave over and just need to fuel up...then pack:D
Me and the daughter both have oil in our hair:rolleyes:
Inside of disco now had quick clean to remove all the grinding sh1t & dust.
Stuff loaded back in it.
Need fuel in the morning, then ready ..... :)
Are we doing packed lunch tomorrow or is there an on route lunch stop planned.

Not planned anything, we could do with keeping moving, its quite a long day. We can stop at a sandwich shop though :D:D
Not planned anything, we could do with keeping moving, its quite a long day. We can stop at a sandwich shop though :D:D

No planned lunch stop ... tut tut tut, you're slacking Sue ..

The stick I got .. ;)
Not planned anything, we could do with keeping moving, its quite a long day. We can stop at a sandwich shop though :D:D

That will do me Sue,save me trying to find the kitchen....i know we have one somewhere.:D:D

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