I know it's short notice but I'm heading out on Sunday to do some of the lanes along the Sussex downs if any of you fancy it?
Unfortunately I had other commitments today. How did you get on ? Which lanes did you cover ? Great weather for it anyway.
No worries guys, maybe next time. We started from Hastings and headed west, picked up a section of the old marsh road near Hooe, disappointing in the most of it is closed off with locked gates, I guess being right beside the A259 it's a bit tempting for fly tippers, then on to the first 100 yards of White Dyke but turned back as some of the ruts seemed a little deep so head up to Herstmonceux and did Studdens lane which was good, nice little ford and Squirrel lane which was OK, attempted Hempstead lane at Hailsham but there's a width restriction in the form of some serious concrete blocks so on down to Robin Post Lane which was OK but a little tame, back east on the A27 and up to a nice little lane between Filtching and Folkington which was good fun, the the old coach road at Alfriston, most of which was a bit tame, then up the dead end lane to the radio mast above Firle, mostly rough tarmac but worth it for the view, pub lunch at the Snowdrop in Lewes then Offham Lane, also nice, back through Barcombe to Ringmer, up the broyle to a lane through the woods near Chiddingly, also very tame, up to a very short lane near Magham Down, and then through Ireland farm lane near Westfield on the way home. All in all a good day out, next time I'm going to head up to Rotherfield and tackle the lanes round there.
Sounds great, shame we couldn't make it. were there any height restrictions on the routes you took as last time I had a roof rack height issue near Firle due to fallen tree.
You might struggle on the Jevington lane with a rack on thee were a few low hanging branches at points!
I would be very interested in joining you guys at some point. I live in seaford East Sussex and have wanted to go green landing for a while now. I only have a freelander but I don't want to do anything too serious off road, I don't have the confidence to go out laning on my own encase I get stuck and don't know any routes etc. Just waiting on some at tyres to turn up then I will be ready.
Hi Steve, keep an eye on this thread then, there are plenty of less severe lanes in East Sussex that would be fine in a freelander- so long as you're not too precious about the paintwork- they can be a little scratchy in places, be good to organise a get together sometime.
Excellent, sounds good to me. I'm not too precious about the paintwork and happy to use and abuse it as much as possible for green laning. I have some pretty meaty tyres turning up which will give me some more ground clearance then i should be good to go.
I need to have a look at my on-call weekends and then maybe we can float some dates and see what works for everyone.
hi bud where abouts in East Sussex are you I’m Eastbourne.
Hi mate, I'm in Hastings, there are a few others dotted around the county if you look back through the thread. I've been thinking about trying to sort out a local pub meet or something for a while.
Hi fellow South Saxons, I'm in Newhaven and would be glad to join you sometime in my 1985 2.5 petrol CSW.
"We won't be druv"
THe old alfriston coach road deffo has a seasonal TRO on it, and a few others do aswell. More info on the council rights of access webpage
THe old alfriston coach road deffo has a seasonal TRO on it, and a few others do aswell. More info on the council rights of access webpage
Yer I think nearly all of them have the TRO on or been resurfaced. Only a few “good” ones left.

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