Big vee

Active Member
Hi all , have a problem and not sure we're to point the finger. Got in the old girl the other day waiting for the lights to go out but eas light still going from low to high I set of I know should have waited , bumping along knocking my fillings out was just about to turn round when the suspension started to rise and was working ok , I changed the seal and pump bore just in case , was a bit worn but ok . Now nothing pump working but not riseing , no faults as plunged the nana com in all ok , could it be the valve block sorry it's so long
Is the pump making any pressure, if you disconnect the blue pump pipe you should not be able to hold finger over the end, if no pressure may be reed valve.
I will check that tomorrow , was watching the live data and no pressure going to any of the bags
Sounds like a leak somewere more than the compressor/valve block
The p38 regularly adjusts it's level even when shut off so if one corner is lower (ie leaking) it'll adjust the other 3 to match
It'll keep doing that until there's no air left it the tank, then it'll continue to leak out until it's on the bump stops
Now you come along fire it up and before it raises the airbags it has to fill the tank which even with a good compressor will take a few minutes
Best to follow wammers how to, to check the full system but in the mean time park it on a flat and eather pull out the relay under the passenger seat or leave a door/tailgate open over night
That will freeze the eas allowing you to clearly see which corner is leaking (hint: it'll be the one touching the ground lol)
Warning if you pull the relay don't attempt to start it up until it's put back in! It'll put the eas straight into fault mode and if you haven't got the reset cable that's a headache you don't want
I did the checks failed on compresser put me thumb over it moving air but very poor looks like a new pump me thinks
What's the Dunlop one like 150 + vat on island 4x4
Also check all air bags all ok no leaks there
I did the checks failed on compresser put me thumb over it moving air but very poor looks like a new pump me thinks
What's the Dunlop one like 150 + vat on island 4x4
Also check all air bags all ok no leaks there

Try a Simlise (spelling) refurb kit....
I did the checks failed on compresser put me thumb over it moving air but very poor looks like a new pump me thinks
What's the Dunlop one like 150 + vat on island 4x4
Also check all air bags all ok no leaks there

You need to check the reed valves. If you have fitted a new piston seal and cylinder that is all it can be. Exhaust valve MUST sit square in contact with O'ring. Inlet MUST sit flat on head.
New compressor fitted and had to change a rear air bag , but still think I have a problem if I leave the door open the system works and fills tank , close door car rises looking at how may now be a problem else were on rvs will check tomorrow
New compressor fitted and had to change a rear air bag , but still think I have a problem if I leave the door open the system works and fills tank , close door car rises looking at how may now be a problem else were on rvs will check tomorrow

Sorry, I'm missing something here.
With the door opens you 'freeze' the system so the pump fills the tank without the air being used to lift the bags. So far so good.
You close the door, the system then allows the stored air to lift the bags. Still looking good.
As long as the heights are correct and the compressor fires up again to replace the lost pressure then the system is working.
Where's the problem?
I think I might be the problem over think I have a problem as all worked ok after new pump and bag
I think I might be the problem over think I have a problem as all worked ok after new pump and bag
Never replace on airbag, they should be done in axle pairs at the very least. If one has failed you can be sure the others will not be far behind, then you will be in for another compressor.
No I am looking into getting two new ones as a spare I had which was good then I will do the fronts for piece of mind
My eas is doing my nut in , if I leave the door open system freezes wait a bit the close door air filling system it rises but no way can I get the single orange lamp on switch open door checked all corners could not here any leaks . I have fitted a new pump thinking I had cracked it and a spare rear bag awaiting to get co plate new set . But no matter I still can't get one light . I took it for a drive on the motorway but very harsh ride light dropped to motorway light but bottom light stayed on . Seems like compresser running all the time ,help
My eas is doing my nut in , if I leave the door open system freezes wait a bit the close door air filling system it rises but no way can I get the single orange lamp on switch open door checked all corners could not here any leaks . I have fitted a new pump thinking I had cracked it and a spare rear bag awaiting to get co plate new set . But no matter I still can't get one light . I took it for a drive on the motorway but very harsh ride light dropped to motorway light but bottom light stayed on . Seems like compresser running all the time ,help

The system is meant to freeze when a door is open. Have you read Wammers EAS guide in the "how to " section?
sounds like the pump is feeding a leak, have you checked all the pipe work, exhaust leaks can melt pipe or a bad joint at bags or valve block.
Is it possible that you've got a faulty/damaged height sensor so that you're not getting the correct feedback from one corner. With the car running and the doors shut is one corner still moving slightly after the rest have settled?
Have you got, can you borrow any diagnostics? If not DATATEK is your friend.
The only other check is a meter across each sensor to see if the resistance changes smoothly as the arms move. If doing this be careful not to move them all the way to the ends, you could cause more problems than you cure. As always start on the last corner that you worked on.
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