
New Member
Hi, My EAS seems to have an intermittent fault. Sometimes when I start it up the suspension doesn't blow up and it takes an age to do anything, Other times it comes straight up with no problems. There is no fault info being displayed on the dash and once the suspension comes up it works fine. Can anyone give me any advice? I've noticed people are selling reset tools on Ebay and wondered if this is the way to go???
Thanks for that, I'll start checking for leaks. It just confused me because it did it one morning but not the next.
Spray the AIRBAGS with a soapy water mix and also all the connections, if the airbags are over 7 years old it's likely one or more are leaking. If the compressor has been working overtime that might be on the way out too.
Download the free software from www.rswsolutions.com and buy a cable from Ebay or make one up.

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