But shhh, Big Red (aka Timmy2) is behaving so far this weekend

If it's behaving ok now, then valves will probably not be the issue. Most likely bad or corroded connections either under valve block, or in Left footwell behind the kick panel.
Correct, listen to the voice of experience, we're all here to help but if you insist on spending then who are we to stop you.:rolleyes:
Listen to these guys, I have and they know their stuff. Follow wammers tech advice on the eas it is simple and to the point. I keep a copy in my car. Was always taught step by step and that's what this is. Process of elimination
No, I'm ready to accept that a) he might be right,
b) never turn down the offer of good parts,
c) Americans are bloody rude.

Im just telling you how it is.. Many other knowledgeable people here have also told you that a mechanics response to just changing out a whole valve block is a good indicator that they dont know what they are doing(which I fully agree). Also Iam attempting to save you a bunch of money and probably alot of grief, but I guess you like to gamble with your money and enjoy grief... In all my experience fixing stuff; throwing money at it has never been the most effective way to properly diagnose a problem.

If you had provided even a SINGLE symptom. Someone here could likely point you in a certain direction to look.. But you still havent provided any information besides that your mechanic(s) likely doesnt know what they are doing.. So you're making it very difficult, if not impossible to help you..

Sorry that you dont like to hear the voice of reason and experience...I was just trying to help. Good Luck!
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If it's behaving ok now, then valves will probably not be the issue. Most likely bad or corroded connections either under valve block, or in Left footwell behind the kick panel.

That's what I'm thinking, but I don't mind having a block handy just in case!
Thanks for your 'advice' phrased as a very rude statement. I have received a lot of excellent, friendly and very helpful advice from several people, most of which I would follow, if I were able. That which I can follow, I will. THEIR advice was given in a friendly, supportive way, even offering personal help in their workshops, which I find most heartwarming. Your phrasing I found unpleasant and insulting. My question at the head of the thread was, is it possible to change valves individually, a question which was ably answered, and advice and discussion ranged from there. At no point did you become 'us', or even, with your attitude, a welcome part of them. How dare you tell me in such a way what decisions to make. Kindly stay off my thread and leave it to the nice helpful people. Thanks.
None of his bloody business what decisions I make, clearly has not read the whole thread otherwise would know the wiring has been checked, and was damned rude in the way he phrased it.

Ok be like that if you want to. If you won't listen to good advice, as they say on Dragons Den i'm out.
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No, there's no hope for those who think it ISN'T rudely phrased, and as for 'not listening to good advice', I'm sorry for that lack of comprehension, or tollerance. What P38, and now Whammers, are actually doing is getting grumpy when someone won't do as they TELL them. That's not advice.
Right, that's enough. I asked a civil question about EAS valves which has now been hijacked into an ego match between a few a holes. Mods, please delete this thread. Reasonable contributors, my genuine thanks, you know where I am.
Right, that's enough. I asked a civil question about EAS valves which has now been hijacked into an ego match between a few a holes. Mods, please delete this thread. Reasonable contributors, my genuine thanks, you know where I am.
No we don't you haven't had the courtesy of putting in your location. It has been known for nearby members to actually meet up and help sort out problems. :rolleyes:
No, there's no hope for those who think it ISN'T rudely phrased, and as for 'not listening to good advice', I'm sorry for that lack of comprehension, or tollerance. What P38, and now Whammers, are actually doing is getting grumpy when someone won't do as they TELL them. That's not advice.

Dear sir, please yourself. Only thing i can add is if you are unwilling to take my advice and listen to some others. Big mistake.
Right, that's enough. I asked a civil question about EAS valves which has now been hijacked into an ego match between a few a holes. Mods, please delete this thread. Reasonable contributors, my genuine thanks, you know where I am.

OK to answer the original question about replacing individual valves (plus some related details), in case it helps others that search for this unnecessary task because a mechanic said so :
  1. Yes they can be replaced if you have spare valves available, but easier to change seals.
  2. The solenoids that move the valves can also be replaced if you have spares available (will require pin removal from connector)
btw, we often get newcomers asking for advice, and then getting upset by the banter, especially from those with experience on the P38 !!! . . . c'est la vie.

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