
Has anyone used the RSW freeware for the EAS diagnostics, my RR is ok but a friends sank to its bum a couple of days ago, there was an OBD plug/cable came with the car when he bought it a few months ago it's a serial with a serial to usb cable plugged on. Downloaded the RSW freeware and the lpt virtual comport drivers and installed, according to device manager the lpt is com 4 and working with no issues, fire up the eas software initially get coms error set port banner, set it to port 4 and seems ok, initialise the TX counts down 1-2-3-4 then runs the number/FF sequence but all I get in the RX window is PP tried it with 2 OBD cables now both of which meter out as per the RSW diagram, tried it on his 98 P38 and my 2002 p38 but it's the same on both, anyone had this before.
Yes lots of people lots of reason for no comms. Do a search. Look at Tech Archive for my guide to checking various EAS components. More than likely your mate has no air.
Thanks for the replies guys, the video link was interesting he did the hook up in a slightly different order so will try that way tomorrow, I have XP pro and Win7 on 2 laptops and have tried them both, I referred to the guy as a mate (well suppose were getting there now) but only really met him just over a week ago when he delivered something to my house saw my RR and told me about his problem so really just one owner trying to help another out, I posted rather than searching (wrong I know) but this guy is due to go away for a couple of weeks on Saturday so was just trying to short cut to hopefully get him sorted before he's due to go.
Forgot to mention when I fist met him shorted the relay etc and the compressor works and produces air, I have a rebuilt spare I was going to loan him if his had been duff.
Forgot to mention when I fist met him shorted the relay etc and the compressor works and produces air, I have a rebuilt spare I was going to loan him if his had been duff.

Is it producing good air? Do the checks in the EAS how to.
Always try and use the USB port that's on its own. Most laptops have 3 ports and 1 on the other side of the machine; use that one.
Forgot to mention when I fist met him shorted the relay etc and the compressor works and produces air, I have a rebuilt spare I was going to loan him if his had been duff.

Won't run on car if thermal switch is fried.
IIRC if you ground the orange wire, this bypasses the thermal switch....for testing purposes only!

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