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Can anyone tell me is it possible to up load eas unlock to the I phone and use it for resets ?
I've always got my phone on me but rarely my lap top
Can anyone tell me is it possible to up load eas unlock to the I phone and use it for resets ?
I've always got my phone on me but rarely my lap top

Simple answer.....


Laptop with software and a custom lead.

Contact "Datatek" via pm, he send you the software and lead for a small sum...

Or ask, if theres someone local to you who can help..........
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Can anyone tell me is it possible to up load eas unlock to the I phone and use it for resets ?
I've always got my phone on me but rarely my lap top

If you have a phone that will run windows net framework and has a USB port then maybe it would be possible. Buy yourself a netbook to leave in the car:D
I'II shut up then.....:eek:......:doh:....;)

No don't do that, I'm sure you are right, you'd have to be mad to buy a windows phone, imagine in the middle of calling the fire brigade you get the message " windows has encountered a problem and needs to close":rolleyes:
Buying anything that runs under windows is a sign of sado masochism:eek::eek::eek:
Sorry got the software and leads already with USB convertor already just thought cause iPhone has USB for charging and syncing can I upload software to it and use my leads
Sorry got the software and leads already with USB convertor already just thought cause iPhone has USB for charging and syncing can I upload software to it and use my leads

Doesn't the IPhone run on a form of Lynix, as far as I know the software only runs on a windoze system???

Take Datatek's advice and look for a cheap laptop or a possibly PDA on fleabay that runs windoze to leave in the car...
, you'd have to be mad to buy a windows phone, imagine in the middle of calling the fire brigade you get the message " windows has encountered a problem and needs to close":rolleyes:
Buying anything that runs under windows is a sign of sado masochism:eek::eek::eek:

Almost as bad as some Range Rovers electronic reliability then..........maybe they could work together and cancell each others faults out....

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iPhone runs a variant of Mac OSX, which is a descendent of Free BSD, not Linux.
There's no reason why someone couldn't write an EAS app for iPhone, and supply a cable, but looks like no one has yet.
I was sure Apple said there was an app for everything. How could they have missed this?
No you have just given me a great idea... Apps are pretty much easy to write. I own and run a web design business and we are moving into the app side soon. I will keep you posted! Also Can some one tell me if I need to reset after doing the diaphragm in the block valve? Have no fault code up as yet. And do I need to depressurise system? Thanks all!!!
Yes you should depressurize but you can go the DIY way and only remove the air pipes from the block. I've done it many times.
yes you need to depressurise to remove feed pipes to airbags etc to then remove valve block to again access to rear.I never needed a reset after doing mine but my car is a law unto its self.
No you have just given me a great idea... Apps are pretty much easy to write. I own and run a web design business and we are moving into the app side soon. I will keep you posted! Also Can some one tell me if I need to reset after doing the diaphragm in the block valve? Have no fault code up as yet. And do I need to depressurise system? Thanks all!!!

Apps may be easy to write but communicating with the EAS is not. It took Storey Wilson a long time to sus out all the comms protocols involved. I hope you are not planning to infringe his intelectual property rights.
Hi datatek, no I never would do that but I may look at seeing what can be placed within an app ( whilst working along side of others ) most smart phones nowadays are the iPhone. It would be the same as any other app we have formatted (as yet trial only) the client comes to you with their requirements and we merely program. So yes we would need the help of those holding the rights and those with the knowledge, but I would love the challenge of getting it as an app? Most mobile itech clients go for their products via app these days as the good old laptop is slowly being edged out on more simple programs and the iPhone in as most households either have one or the iPod. So comments welcome on it as I may be thinking wrong? Once again thanks for the replies regarding the EAS... I will get there, I'm sure! Anyone know where I can obtain a replacement headrest tv screen for the rear. Got one that has died of old age. Thanks all!
Actually your right bb. There's me praising them and it just froze solid for last half hour.

They are about as reliable as fecking Windows, if you sent me one as a gift I'd put it on Ebay, I dread to think of the number of man hours wasted ****ing about with those things. I'm inclined to think that a lot of this stuff is no more than a passing fad on a par with the Hula Hoop :rolleyes: especially as it now seem certain that they cause gliomas in youngsters and some adults if used a lot:eek:
Hi , I have a 1994 300Tdi Disco ES Auto and am looking for a device to re-set the SRS light on the dash. The SRS is re-set with a four pin plug with yellow and black wires has anyone any Windows software or cables I can buy? My motor does not have an OBD connector.

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