i know what u mean but i've had that much trouble with it it would be my luck a solenoid would then fail and it would just be ongoing. If i replace everything new (or nearly everything) then i should be in a better position. I will rebuild the original just incase though :rolleyes:
my eas is going up and down on its own so if i get a cable and plug in to my laptop can i just see faults or fix the problem??
You can read and clear the faults if there are any present, if the driver pack is playing up ther may be no faults.
Whether or not you can fix it depends on your abilities.:)
have you read through all my issues, sounds similar and there is a good section in 'how to' that looks at this. The issue with mine looks to be the drier has broken down and filled my exhaust filter with its internals. I am running with this removed currently and apart from the whooshing sound of excess pressure being released every now and again its running perfectly. Better than i have ever had it :)
Ok hopefully the end to this saga, I purchased a new valve block and both filters off kurtjohnson10 on here for a very very reasonable price and would recommend getting in contact with him if you need this. I fitted them with a new air dryer that I had and at the moment it is running better than I could dream of. Well worth spending the money on and hopefully the end of my EAS woes :D

Thanks to everyone who has helped with advice.


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