
New Member
My car devope an EAS problem i usually hear hessing sound in my tries in the front DH side so this one morinig when i started the car after about 20mins i got a messege on the dashboard EAS FAULT and the front of the car it at the bamper someone told me that it is a Airbag faulty so i boght the air bag fixed it but the fault is still thier and the same person said i have to reset it by sofware i downloaded sofware from one of the site which is the sofware is called RANGEROVER EASUNLOCK_SUITE_WIN32 10-20-08 and opened it with command prompt and i get this massege what have i done wrong what should i do???????????????////
i also made the cable by myself what is the length of the can in metres?????
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most of that is gibberish but ifyou have the software from rsw solutions, move it to your desktop and open it by double click. the lead needs to be in the usb socket. now go to control panel, device manager and find the com port for your usb serial converter in the advanced tab of the device properties. eg com 3,

now in the eas soft. change the settings to the same com port as the device. connect to car, turn ignition on and you should be able to press initialise and get data. press eas unlock and turn ign off, take cable from car and turn ign on. the fault should be gone!

Can't believe someone can write a sentance that long with absolutely NO punctuation, just a truck load of spelling mistakes. I had to read it twice and then thought..... F**k it.

If you want help, at least put some effort into giving us the info correctly!
Hey Gav.. you seem to be pretty up on the software, Tell me.. Can you change the pre-set ride heights permanently?
i.e is is possible to change the high setting to say.. another 1" as i have seen this offered as a service on ebay?

Hope my spelling and puncuation is ok LOL!
Can't believe someone can write a sentance that long with absolutely NO punctuation, just a truck load of spelling mistakes. I had to read it twice and then thought..... F**k it.

If you want help, at least put some effort into giving us the info correctly!
You forgot the capital letter after your comma. :D
Hey Gav.. you seem to be pretty up on the software, Tell me.. Can you change the pre-set ride heights permanently?
i.e is is possible to change the high setting to say.. another 1" as i have seen this offered as a service on ebay?

Hope my spelling and puncuation is ok LOL!

yes on the software, it has settings for heights. they are in positions i.e low standard high. its on the calibrate tab of the unlock suite.

you get the heights, click go to, then on the heights tab, adjust til your happy with it then record the numbers in the bottom of the calibrate tab for the relevant height profile and press write!! job done. basically how you calibrate the ride heights to keep all corners level!!

you can do it for all four profiles.

the car can be made to revert to a factory setting, a factory original setting but i cant remember how this occurs or if you can force it!! not seen it in the software. might have read it in rave cd.

hope this helps ya!!

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