
New Member
good day forum having a nightmare with my p38 god lover her ok
had faults with eas last few weeks working then not getting to right height or staying in one mode ,but now it has gone on the bump stops and the good old 35mph mode
a nice guy i got some triple sports off said it is most likely to be the pump died /so have a refurb on the way i know u may be thinking i should of had it plugged into local dealer computer to check fault but main LR dealer is wanting 57 quid an hour to tell me fault meanwhile i found a small garage which has proper rovcom gear but is waiting on lead to plug in as his has bent pins .
So would i be right in thinking if i get a second user ecu and swap for my ecu with fault and install the pump ride will work again or am i wasting money
hope u good chaps can help thanks in advance
also anybody wanting the P38 sevice manual on cd email me at
This fault could be absolutely anything!

How old is your P38? If it is over 5 years old then it could be that your air bags are perished and leaking. This causes all sorts of weird problems with the system as the ECU tried to compensate for the fact that one (or more) air bags is constantly loosing height.

Unfortunately at the moment, the only thing you can do is get the EAS ECU reset to see what fault codes come out and then try to diagnose the system, but the fault codes rarely point to the exact cause with the EAS system.

Had a similar problem recently, and I have now just replaced all 4 air bags and it seems to be holding up. First time the EAS went into "soft" fault mode - i.e. it stayed pumped up, but would not let me change the height setting. ECU reckoned it was a faulty front height sensor, when in fact it was a very leaky air bag! Second time it freaked out it went to the bump stops and 35mph fault, this time it was leaking rear air bags, can't remember what the ECU thought it was, but it wasn't!

Of course, it could be your compressor, you can check that by hot wiring it and seeing if there is any output from it. Least, that's what I did - but be careful!


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