You can give 'em a new life by switchin em around from Left to Right and flippin em over apparently. Reason being that the resistance contact actually goes all the way around but only gets worn in the area of travel where its fitted. So flipping to the other side means they now run on a previously unworn sector and hey presto.

Haven't done it myself but that's what I've heard. If you do try this let us know how you get along!
Right i would like to say a big thank you to p38on22s for popping round with the right lead. I used his lead and got height fauls on 3 sensors saying the height was too low. So with his advice i jacked up both sides of the car. Cleared the codes started up the car no message on the dash. All the heights work fine. Thanks again mate for your help. I am going to leave the car over night and see it all is fine in the morning. Now all ive got to do is sort out the fuel leak !!!!!

glad to help ya:)

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