If you are a banker, don't forget we will all want a bonus if its fixed:violin::hysterically_laughi

Am I a banker, hmmmm let me think would I be driving an old S plate I wonder:doh:. LOL.

Its an old family joke because of how easy I find it making money, and how TIGHT I am with it, come on I drive a P38 so I need to watch the pennies, just in case. :rolleyes:

OK, I re ran the EAS but no error messages, the only think I can think of was that it was raining really hard that night, it could be down to that.

Either way so far so good & fingers crossed.

Thanks everyone

Am I a banker, hmmmm let me think would I be driving an old S plate I wonder:doh:. LOL.


It's a disguise:rolleyes:

Mine doesn't like the rain either. The front off side height sensor objects to getting wet. I will get round to replacing it, I have the part, just not the time:(
OK, it did it again tonight, I ran the EAS software and it gave me these errors:

2 : Pressure signal constantly high
7 : Vehicle has moved

At first it gave me all the other error messages, but I dont think the cable was plugged in properly to start with, and I got the errors above when I plugged in the cable properly. The rangie was leaning a little...

I cleared the errors and all is well again , but there is obviously a fault so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

you get the vehicle has moved when the cars moved while ignition is off, i.e when an airbag goes down or if you change a wheel, not really much to worry about and not really that informative.

the pressure signal relates i think to the system pressure, as opposed to an airbag. i'm not sure this is that informative either to be honest. i would get a book and record the errors daily if you can, that'll give you a better idea of whats hapening.
As Gav says, the vehicle has move message is pretty meaningless, I always get that. The pressure is high could indicate a duff pressure switch. Again as Gav says, best to monitor it over a period, if the same error comes up constantly then you have something to go on.
Cool, thanks for the info guys.

Is changing the air pressure switch a hard job? Or expensive, if not I might change it if it not to dear or hard...

Hold up! The most common cause of a pressure switch fault is a worn compressor.

The ECU sees the pressure switch not changing state after a set amount of time (normally because the compressor is not pumping enough air) and instead of reporting a worn compressor it reports that the pressure switch is not changing state. hence the first line above.

The second most common fault is a faulty driver pack. In fact, the pressure switch itself is almost never the reason for a pressure switch fault. I have heard of ones warped due to heat but it is very rare.
Hold up! The most common cause of a pressure switch fault is a worn compressor.

The ECU sees the pressure switch not changing state after a set amount of time (normally because the compressor is not pumping enough air) and instead of reporting a worn compressor it reports that the pressure switch is not changing state. hence the first line above.

The second most common fault is a faulty driver pack. In fact, the pressure switch itself is almost never the reason for a pressure switch fault. I have heard of ones warped due to heat but it is very rare.

Agree completely with this - Can also be caused by a leak somewhere. I used to get these two errors regularly, but not since I replaced all my airbags (which is a bit strange really as I still have a leak somewhere - valve block, methinks).

You need to take the reported errors with a pinch of salt (and some thought) - the cause isn't necessarily as obvious as you might think from the error.


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