
New Member
Hi guys

I was towing my caravan on Friday in my 96 p38 and all was going fine but all of a sudden a error message appeared on the dash and the suspension started lowering then it felt like I was driving over boulders.

Is this a fault that needs dealing with by a expert or is there anything I can do to fix the problem.

Regards Ritchie
The system has gone into a Hard Fault - lowered itself to the bump stops...

You will need to get it on diagnostics to find out why.

Options - Main Dealer, Indy or get the lead and software from Datatek (member on here - about £16 plus postage I believe) to be able to read and diagnose the fault!
As above. Would hazard a guess you have a rear bag leak, the extra weight of your caravan has magnified it and the compressor has given up the ghost trying to keep up with it. If the back end drops the front will always follow. The system is set up not to have the head lamps pointing in the air.
Thanks guys. Is this going to cost me the earth
If you are handy with a spanner, it won't cost a lot. If you have a windows laptop, the first step is diagnostics, you can download the software free or I can supply on CD along with the workshop manual and airbag guide, you also need the cable which I can supply. PM me if you are interested.
When mine did that with the caravan on the back it was a height sensor full of water.
You do know you are supposed to lock the suspension when towing?
If your a novice but know one end of a spanner from the other you can change the rear bag in about 45mins with basic tools
You will need datas lead though and a laptop to reset the fault (will also tell you exactly were the fault is)
The bags should be replaced in pairs too,but have a look around,there not as expencive as you might think
Thanks guys. Is this going to cost me the earth

£311 +/- if you DIY.

4 air bags (assuming they haven't been replaced in the last 7-8 years) @ £270

£25 for seals to fix compressor.

£16 for Datatek's diagnostic kit.

Quite an easy DIY job on the drive and don't be afraid to chisel out the old bags as the dirt glues them in! Start by ordering the diagnostics. If the bags have been done, wait for the diagnostics and see what's up. If they haven't been done, do them anyway AND get the compressor seals as it'll be tired/worn out.

so if we all have corroded connector plugs, can’t we just strip each wire solder them together and cover in heat shrink??

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