
Well-Known Member
Following the advice from the good members of Landyzone, I went and procured an EAS kicker.
Obtained a fairly cheap one from E-bay and kept it in the car not really knowing what for.

Today driving to work ,"Air Suspension Inactive" message. Here we go, I thought this is this week's fault. The back of my trousers were wet from where my wallet had burst into tears again and I was wondering which part of my anatomy was I least attached, to and what the market value was for it.

Anyway I got to work with nothing falling off, blowing up or bursting into flames, which was good, when I remembered that I had a device of some sort, what was it, an EBC ( no that was Emu's Broadcasting Company), ABC, ( no that was the Jackson 5) What was it, something like a TSB Clicker.
After a short search under my C.Ds cassettes ( still use them) and other various detritus I found my EAS Kicker.
Having found were to shove it, I then found the correct place to plug it in. lo and behold, a few flashing pretty lights, (I liked the blue ones best) and finally a steady green light told me I was good to go.

Now I am a bit of a sceptic or septic, or both, and it was with a sense of dread that I started the car, after all I had only just plugged a gizmo into where the sun don't shine, so what bloody good could that be. I had not had to break out any socket sets, my clothes were not covered in oil and grease and I was not bleeding from numerous cuts and grazes neither was I on fire, so how could that little gadget possibly make any difference.

But it had worked. I had clear message board, the suspension doing the "up-tiddly up up and the down-tiddly down down" bit just like those magnificent men in their flying machines, exactly as it should and I had a nice drive home in a Range Rover with EVERYTHING working.

So thank you Landyzone.

I am going to buy a lottery ticket now and will remember you all when I collect my winnings. No money, but I will remember you.

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