
New Member
After taking my range to LR with EAS compressor problems they managed to balls it all up and say it was the height sensor so paid £150 for them to replace it (although I said it was the thermal switch) and obviously it wouldn't go up and compressor still wouldn't run! Put my friends pub on mine and worked lovely, put mine on his and it wouldn't run!! So it's definitely the compressor at fault. I have manage to get my £150 back and had a new (refurbished) pump delivered today!! Woohoo you'd think! Plugged it in and within 2 mins the bloody thing started smoking from where the wires come out of it. It was Red hot and stopped working. It didn't even get to the point of getting the car up even a mm! This has been going on since November and as at the time they said "it's a problem with your car so we won't even investigate it" I have since replaced everything to do with the EAS costing mega ££!! The dealers are giving me a major migraine!

Any advice please :mad:
Just to add original compressor was purchased in October so was under warranty. Cost £340 and it's always been a recon! 1st lasted 2 weeks and 2nd lated 2 days. And now the 3rd lasted 2 1/2 minutes! EAS has no airleaks, and all bags replaced and all seals in valve block also done!
After taking my range to LR with EAS compressor problems they managed to balls it all up and say it was the height sensor so paid £150 for them to replace it (although I said it was the thermal switch) and obviously it wouldn't go up and compressor still wouldn't run! Put my friends pub on mine and worked lovely, put mine on his and it wouldn't run!! So it's definitely the compressor at fault. I have manage to get my £150 back and had a new (refurbished) pump delivered today!! Woohoo you'd think! Plugged it in and within 2 mins the bloody thing started smoking from where the wires come out of it. It was Red hot and stopped working. It didn't even get to the point of getting the car up even a mm! This has been going on since November and as at the time they said "it's a problem with your car so we won't even investigate it" I have since replaced everything to do with the EAS costing mega ££!! The dealers are giving me a major migraine!

Any advice please :mad:

2 minutes? Faulty pump........again I got one from Kurt, perfect
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The fact ya mates worked ok points towards faulty pumps.
However am not an expert on these systems, but could there be a partial blockage causing the pumps to be working far harder than designed for? just a thought.
We'll I have had everything done by an ex LR mechanic who solely worked on the p38 thought out its production so he knows them like the back of his hand. His diagnostics comes up with a pump fault when vehicle turned on! All voltage to the pump is normal and like I said bags and airlines have all been sorted so no air leaks. :confused:
Obviously the compressor was not as refurbished as it should have been. Many think refurbishing a compressor consists of fitting a new piston seal. Your refurbished compressor will have a failed rear bearing more than likely.
Obviously the compressor was not as refurbished as it should have been. Many think refurbishing a compressor consists of fitting a new piston seal. Your refurbished compressor will have a failed rear bearing more than likely.

Got a feeling they will refuse to take it back and blame the cars electrics again!! I don't want to go back to square 1! :mad:
No when the car was with them last week the pump was ordered in for it but they didn't bother trying it. The service guy said they did but I no they guy in parts quite well and he giggled and said no mate it's never left my desk. When I questioned the guy in service he apologised and clarified that they didn't try it!! If they did then it would of started smoking in front of them. Despite unplugging it straight away the pump got hotter too the point it burnt your fingers!! Just want a pump that will work! Is it really too much to ask :confused:
No when the car was with them last week the pump was ordered in for it but they didn't bother trying it. The service guy said they did but I no they guy in parts quite well and he giggled and said no mate it's never left my desk. When I questioned the guy in service he apologised and clarified that they didn't try it!! If they did then it would of started smoking in front of them. Despite unplugging it straight away the pump got hotter too the point it burnt your fingers!! Just want a pump that will work! Is it really too much to ask :confused:

So the pump that just burned in 2 1/2 min was brand new? not just refurbished

I find it impossible that a new pump can burn that quickly, a badly refurbished. maybe if done by a monkey

For the sake of you blood boil I hope you already have a pump on order from Kurt and you should be good before the weekend:):):)
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Got a feeling they will refuse to take it back and blame the cars electrics again!! I don't want to go back to square 1! :mad:

That would be total and utter bull****, compressor motors don't burn out and start smoking unless there is something wrong with the brush gear, commutator or rear bearing. Rear bearing holder fails on these that causes armature to wobble about like a whippets dick and foul on outer case and brush gear to be damaged. Cannot possibly be anything to do with cars wiring.
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That would be total and utter bull****, compressor motors don't burn out and start smoking unless there is something wrong with the brush gear, commutator or rear bearing. Rear bearing holder fails on these that causes armature to wobble about like a whippets dick and foul on outer case and brush gear to be damaged. Cannot possibly be anything to do with cars wiring.
As above, they are selling you crap.
Sort of related, but also not. I thought I was going insane once when I went through 4 Alternators within as many days. after the 3rd, I started to think there was a problem with my car. Eventually I told them to send me a more expensive one for the same price. They did, and it was sorted.
Would it hurt to put a smaller fuse in before fitting a replacement? Just in case. There isn't a lot in those compressors apart from big heavy magnets and big heavy windings. To get it that hot that fast sounds like there would have to be a hell of an ampage.

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