
New Member
Hi all,

Nightmare morning. Bought a new battery for my l322 and fitted it this morning. I've been having problems with my osf airbag and the battery was de-charging very quickly (havac fine changed 6 months ago, car goes sleep ok). But I changed the battery and tried to level the cars suspension by putting the eas on off road the car started to rise then the NSF then exploded, brilliant! So my osf had the problem now the NSF has exploded. Why would the airbag over inflate? I thought they had pressure release valves? Anyway I assume I will need to changed the strut with airbag. I read it is fairly straight forward but where the best place to by them?
Sounds like poor maintenance or ride height sensor failure if it went up and did not stop
Sounds like poor maintenance or ride height sensor failure if it went up and did not stop

I thought it might be the sensor but can't believe that if that fails there is no release valve. I am ordering the airbag spring and a sensor does anyone know of anything else that may need to be changed at this point?

I chose to change both springs because I expect that if one has just failed then the other can't be too far away from doing the same.

I didn't change any sensors; I put the burst down to good old fashioned wear and tear. Turns out I was right too; I haven't had a problem since I changed them.
I bought my replacement springs (RNB000740 & RNB000750) from Island 4x4 (Kent) ltd for £325 each.

Good luck!
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