
Well-Known Member
Just noticed the last few days sometimes she struggles to turn over. battery is almost new and is a big boy so doubt its that. guessing its an earth problem because I noticed the back lights flickered when starting it up a little (doubt that's normal) only noticed this because I was making a video (the lights flickering that is) also some of the dash lights glow very faintly when the handbrake is off / on (cant remember which way round) similar for foot brake too. It's a little annoying and I want to find out and sort the problem with the winter ever approaching. I reckon if it wasn't for the big battery it wouldn't start at all sometimes. On the occasion it starts right up straight away but last two days it can really take a good long twist of the key! Any give aways here?

(also if it makes any difference the front side lights and brake / tail lights have been replaced with LED's and new lamps. Though I highly doubt this would have any affect on starting her up?)

Thanks again :)
sounds if it could be ,you can check using jump leads as extra earth , chassis and transmission need earthing to battery
Ok I'll take a look tomorrow but what if its not that? whats the next most likely thing for it to be?
right just had a look underneath and I can confirm that the battery is connected to the chassis and the bell housing. Whats the next step?

right just had a look underneath and I can confirm that the battery is connected to the chassis and the bell housing. Whats the next step?

double every earth lead up currant will need to go back to the batt propoly
Check that you have good clean contacts at either ends of the earth straps, add more so you have them from the engine to the chassis and gearbox to the chassis. Check and or add straps from the bulkhead to the chassis, it sounds like the handbrake cable is acting as an earth strap for the bulkhead.

I had a similar problem,turned out to be the earth connection to the chassis where it was corroded behind the terminals.I welded a new bolt to a 2" square piece of 3mm plate and welded that to the chassis.now have no earth problems.
Check that you have good clean contacts at either ends of the earth straps, add more so you have them from the engine to the chassis and gearbox to the chassis. Check and or add straps from the bulkhead to the chassis, it sounds like the handbrake cable is acting as an earth strap for the bulkhead.

As said just because the earth cables are bolted to the chassis dont mean they are good connections. Take them off and clean them up with wire wool or similar. Put them back with petroleum jelly. Also as said take a car booster lead direct from the battery -ve to the engine block and see if it makes any difference. If so you have bad earth connections. If not then you likely have a lazy starter if you are sure your battery is good.
I had a similar problem which turned out to be the starter motor. I forget the exact figures but a normal starter motor takes about 140 amps out of the battery to start mine was taking 340. I had to change the starter then it was fine.
The above numbers are ball park figures but I think are close.
Are the led lights only flickering when viewed in recordings? If so, that is normal and is the led drivers conserving led life and power. The flickering occurs so frequently it tricks the eye into appearing persistent but will show up in still and recorded images.

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