Seems like a perfectly reasonable request to me. You would have thought anyone with a 2 door classic would be up for having their pride & joy featured.
That said, we had 5th Gear on here a few weeks back looking for a P38 to feature. I offered mine up & was messed around for a couple of weeks then nothing. Probably thought it to risky to expect a P38 to make it from Sheffield to the Midlands.:rolleyes:
Some miserable sods on here.

that would be us then!!

surprised rangie register not interested...still who wants to advertise their valuable motor unless selling??.
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Seems like a perfectly reasonable request to me. You would have thought anyone with a 2 door classic would be up for having their pride & joy featured.

seems you wrong then there...cos i got two..ok not standard any more, but looking standard..and they will not be going in any mag..

good luck with finding could drop Fett a pm..he lives down hampshire and has one too..and its stock..however he is tight (lol) so expect to lay on a decent meal for 2 (his mrs and him) if he up for it..
Ah, I understand, thank you for making that clear. The obvious slips by me sometimes.

I shall send a inappropriate good form infraction forthwith.
And ban him. For life. His kind of attitude is the catalyst for insurrection and must be dealt with quickly before it spreads.
And ban him. For life. His kind of attitude is the catalyst for insurrection and must be dealt with quickly before it spreads.

I shall call for an emergency meeting of the Bad Form Posting Ban Committee (Unethical Ethics Working Group) with all urgency and rest assured a report will be drawn up for consideration (including full list of failings in previous policy under the last Labour Government that are no longer applicable) and publication within a matter of months.

His days are numbered
@ Sir Humphrey Appleby (for it is he)

"Enquiries are for setting up, Minister, not for actually finding anything out!" :D

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I shall call for an emergency meeting of the Bad Form Posting Ban Committee (Unethical Ethics Working Group) with all urgency and rest assured a report will be drawn up for consideration (including full list of failings in previous policy under the last Labour Government that are no longer applicable) and publication within a matter of months.

His days are numbered
The wheels of decency and justice turn slowly, but we will get there.

It is my sincere hope that Bladerunner919's ouster will send a strong message to the the rest of the group who may be considering things like a freely expressed opinion as fair content for a post. :rolleyes:
A certain well known 4x4 mag wants to feature my 4 door Classic & I was about to send the requested photo's when I picked up on this blog. Given that it's still possible to be naive on unfamiliar subjects when you are not only a confirmed cynic but old enough to be drawing your pension, what do forum members consider the 'risks' facing the vehicle owner? Obviously I've already stipulated that only a region/county be printed as my location, but I notice that the reg. plates of past/present featured vehicles are not obscured & wonder if that omission could enable readers with criminal motives to sus out my home address.
None whatsoever, as evidenced by the fact that nobody was actually able to qualify their claims of 'scam'.

nobody was really pushing the scam angle, just you.

landies are being stolen to order. so someone could claim to be from a publishing place to find good examples, collect the addies and there you go or maybe there's some other scam i don't know about.

this forum has a lot of spam on it and sometimes new people selling goods and disappearing with the cash; so quite a few are wary.

also, there are stories of others being lured to locations to be carjacked, either by saying they need recovery help or whatever. i don't know if they are true stories or not.

remember landrovers are one of the most stolen vehicles in the uk.

anyway, my issue is why should someone do it for free when everyone else is making money from their landrover being in the mag.

but this thread is very much tongue in cheek :)
unless you a free add i would stay clear...

from reg number it is one phone call/email away from finding your lots of places work for tax evasion..they have all info to hand..i know of two people who can and will give me an address if i ask..i aint dodgy...soimagine how many more there are if you were to be .. you make your own mind up...
Thanks for the replies guys, I think Zen's warning is the most worrying & although this is a very well-known publication I think I will decline. 'Oh what a sad world we live in today when everything has to be treated as suspect until proved otherwise. Nobody is born a cynic, but is it any wonder ..............
Thanks for the replies guys, I think Zen's warning is the most worrying & although this is a very well-known publication I think I will decline. 'Oh what a sad world we live in today when everything has to be treated as suspect until proved otherwise. Nobody is born a cynic, but is it any wonder ..............

You should also make sure that nobody can take down your registration number at any other time. Never go to any Land Rover event, classic car show, supermarket etc. Never leave the number plates on the car when it's parked or when driving around. Probably best to always leave the car indoors at all times otherwise it's certain to be stolen.

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