
Sorry if this has already been covered I have checked but can't see anything that answers my query.

Thinking of selling my 110 but it only has 3 months MOT (Due March) on it which looks a bit ****. This might be widely stupid but could I put it in now and get a full 12 months which would change the MOT due date to December or am I interpreting this wrong? Anyone done this?

Feel like this is really simple but i've read it to many times that I've confused myself and made it more complicated than it is.
Yeah if you put it in now, should it pass it will move to a deceber due date, and earliest test you can do to keep the December anniversary will be November.
Agreed 1 month early and you get a 13 month mot.
Earlier than that and it starts on the date you do it.

Not sure where you stand if you fail? So you may want to check that with the garage. If they enter it on the data base it shows as no mot if it failed.

If your vehicle fails on major or dangerous defect you should not be allowed to drive it away.

If your vehicles has minor defects but still has a current MOT you will be allowed to drive it away BUT if anything goes wrong you may be prosecuted because you have been made aware of the defects

Failing the MOT
Your vehicle will fail if the test result lists ‘dangerous’ or ‘major’ problems with your vehicle. You might not be allowed to drive until you fix the problems.

You might also get a list of ‘minor’ or ‘advisory’ problems to monitor or fix in the future.

If your vehicle fails the MOT:

You can appeal the result if you think it’s wrong.

Driving a vehicle that’s failed
You can take your vehicle away if:

  • your current MOT certificate is still valid
  • no ‘dangerous’ problems were listed in the MOT
Otherwise, you’ll need to get it repaired before you can drive.

If you can take your vehicle away, it must still meet the minimum standards of roadworthiness at all times.

You can be fined up to £2,500, be banned from driving and get 3 penalty points for driving a vehicle that has failed its MOT because of a ‘dangerous’ problem.

Taken from https://www.gov.uk/getting-an-mot/after-the-test

The garage or MOT station CANNOT prevent you driving a vehicle away irrespective of its condition. Much as some of them would like to to get more work.
Until such time as a government gives an MOT tester the power to seize a vehicle or issue an immediate prohibition notice that will remain the position.
As I said earlier”if they enter it in the data base as a fail you have no mot”

Maybe take it and ask to do a pre inspection to “mot standard” if they phone and say it passes then ask them to do a test (don’t take the car away and bring back). If they say it needs xxxx then you know your work list and still have a ticket:)

I dont need to read them , I am an MOT tester,

Perfect, as even the reply I received from the DVSA a while ago just after the new stds came inot place was ambiguous, do you know where it is written that a fail now means your old MOT ( still has one month left to run ) becomes null and void? would be great to get this finalised once and for all.

Perfect, as even the reply I received from the DVSA a while ago just after the new stds came inot place was ambiguous, do you know where it is written that a fail now means your old MOT ( still has one month left to run ) becomes null and void? would be great to get this finalised once and for all.


Prolly on the page after it says you're ok with that ....:rolleyes:
Perfect, as even the reply I received from the DVSA a while ago just after the new stds came inot place was ambiguous, do you know where it is written that a fail now means your old MOT ( still has one month left to run ) becomes null and void? would be great to get this finalised once and for all.

I've not seen it written anywhere to be honest.......it was explained to us on a site visit/training session........and I queeried it more than once
I recently had some more news that I'm reluctant to share at the moment as it sounds unbelievable though I've been assured its true :(
This is probably old and out of date, but was the reply I received when I queried it with the DVSA in April 2017.

Thank you for your email enquiry dated 6th April 2017, concerning the above.

The earliest you can present your vehicle for MOT to keep the renewal is a calendar month. If your MOT expires on20th May 2017 the earliest you can present that for test would be 21st April.

The earliest date a vehicle can be presented for test without affecting the expiry date is shown on the current test certificate.

As far as we at DVSA an MOT is valid until midnight on the date of expiry of the current certificate - even if the vehicle fails an MOT prior to that date.
Please note however that the vehicle should also be kept in a roadworthy condition and meet legal requirements at all times in order to be driven on the public highway.

You would need to seek advice form your local police for their take on it and your insurance company to see if you would still be insured if it did fail.

I hope this information has assisted you with your enquiry, but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

This is probably old and out of date, but was the reply I received when I queried it with the DVSA in April 2017.

Thank you for your email enquiry dated 6th April 2017, concerning the above.

The earliest you can present your vehicle for MOT to keep the renewal is a calendar month. If your MOT expires on20th May 2017 the earliest you can present that for test would be 21st April.

The earliest date a vehicle can be presented for test without affecting the expiry date is shown on the current test certificate.

As far as we at DVSA an MOT is valid until midnight on the date of expiry of the current certificate - even if the vehicle fails an MOT prior to that date.
Please note however that the vehicle should also be kept in a roadworthy condition and meet legal requirements at all times in order to be driven on the public highway.

You would need to seek advice form your local police for their take on it and your insurance company to see if you would still be insured if it did fail.

I hope this information has assisted you with your enquiry, but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind Regards

We've had two major updates/rule changes since then
MOT's are going to be stopped:(, chaos will reign??

Ok.....get this.........a motorist was stopped by Greater Manchester Police on the way to a prebooked MOT test.......his MOT had expired but like everyone else includeing me he knew it was legal to take his car to a prebooked MOT .
He gets pulled for no MOT .......he then gets informed without a valid MOT his car insurance was void and his car was then siezed for no insurance
Now before anyone breaks a leg trying to prove this cant have happened , I got this straight from the DVSA.........So anyone thinking of attending a prebooked MOT take a minute or two to make sure you're insured to drive to a testing station without a current certificate.......plod is watching
Ok.....get this.........a motorist was stopped by Greater Manchester Police on the way to a prebooked MOT test.......his MOT had expired but like everyone else includeing me he knew it was legal to take his car to a prebooked MOT .
He gets pulled for no MOT .......he then gets informed without a valid MOT his car insurance was void and his car was then siezed for no insurance
Now before anyone breaks a leg trying to prove this cant have happened , I got this straight from the DVSA.........So anyone thinking of attending a prebooked MOT take a minute or two to make sure you're insured to drive to a testing station without a current certificate.......plod is watching

Is a very valid point, might be worth giving the insurance a call if ever needed.


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