
Well-Known Member
Quite simples, we all have them,

Mine is tarmac, sweet sweet tarmac.

Quite what my mother was doing hanging about near road men is quite another story altogether.
I don't know if it is the earliest or the most potent; the smell of jet fuel exhaust in warm air, about 5 or 6 years old; holiday in Ibiza
The smell of oak or mahogany reminds me of when my dad came home from work when I was a kid.
Not sure what my earliest was, but the smell that I will never forget is a perfume called Dolce Vita by Christian Dior.....

When I was 16, I went out with a stunning sort from Virginia Water and that was her favourite perfume, it was never layered on as some do, it was just the faintest wisp, enough to just tantalise the nostrils - she was an absolute corker, I was a very very very very lucky young man have such a girl on my arm at college, watching me play Rugby, Spending time sitting under trees on the college campus, I'd help her with her revision, we'd spend every moment with eachother....Pity she was a brainiac and went off to America to study pharmacology after college and I stayed and studied Aeronautical Engineering....and we split up after two years at college together...Stunning girl....Even today if I get a whiff of it, it rockets me back 24 years to my college days.

Oh and Youngs 303 gun oil.....that gets me rocking an'all.....
Not sure what my earliest was, but the smell that I will never forget is a perfume called Dolce Vita by Christian Dior.....

When I was 16, I went out with a stunning sort from Virginia Water and that was her favourite perfume, it was never layered on as some do, it was just the faintest wisp, enough to just tantalise the nostrils - she was an absolute corker, I was a very very very very lucky young man have such a girl on my arm at college, watching me play Rugby, Spending time sitting under trees on the college campus, I'd help her with her revision, we'd spend every moment with eachother....Pity she was a brainiac and went off to America to study pharmacology after college and I stayed and studied Aeronautical Engineering....and we split up after two years at college together...Stunning girl....

Oh and Youngs 303 gun oil.....that gets me rocking an'all.....
surprised it wasnt your index finger
Fence creasoat, think that's how you spell it. Loved the smell when I was a Kid.

It isn't, but I liked it too … at least the proper stuff before Mr. elf 'n safety watered it down. Fresh 'tarmac springs to mind as well, but it seems to have been replaced with potholes these days :(
Farley's rusks,
Granddad's pipe smoke.
Creosote, granddad was a ganger on the railways. I doubt his garden sheds ever rotted, but one hell of a fire risk.

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