
Active Member
Hi All,

New chap from Durham logging in.

I have spent the last few weeks finding other Landrover sites with good advice but low member attendance when amazingly this morning I came across this site with thousands of active members. This is most definitely the place to be for a LR novice like me. I found the site when looking for Defenders for sale on Google.

I have a Rangey in the garage but I’m now keen to pursue the more adventurous-side of Landy ownership. Something with big tyres etc ;-) Simply put, I know; sorry!

I’m hoping to learn a whole load about the scene.

Very best,

Hi All,

New chap from Durham logging in.

I have spent the last few weeks finding other Landrover sites with good advice but low member attendance when amazingly this morning I came across this site with thousands of active members. This is most definitely the place to be for a LR novice like me. I found the site when looking for Defenders for sale on Google.

I have a Rangey in the garage but I’m now keen to pursue the more adventurous-side of Landy ownership. Something with big tyres etc ;-) Simply put, I know; sorry!

I’m hoping to learn a whole load about the scene.

Very best,


Hello Dave :rolleyes:


Freelander section is more "scene" ;)

Otherwise have look here

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