
New Member
How do i get the window washers to operate?:confused: got a feeling the motor is dead or wiring issue but it could be me being dumb:rolleyes:
Push the wiper knob :)

If nothing happens then the switch/wiring/motor is dead, if you get a whirring sound but no water the bottle is empty or the tubes are blocked
What series yer got? On series 3 push the wiper switch, if it does not work check for 12v at pump if OK replace pump at around£7 on evil bay.
is series 3. i thought itd be push or pull wiper knob. nothing happens though. il check it out. its had a replacement in past as there are two wiper pumps there along with some interesting wiring.
My pump has to be primed, if it has run dry at any point i have to suck the fluid through the pump before it'll do anything... if that's the case try not to drink it... it tastes terrible!
The contact on your switch may be dirty...push hard and wiggle!

I think every series owner is doing this anyway. On any switch.
Sometimes the headlight doesnt switch off, but the dash light does. Or the blinkers dont come on. or the heater. every switch really... i'd be interested who was arsed enough replacing them. why do it properly if you can wiggle the living **** out of it
Or do what I've done and wire it onto a nice new switch and use good connectors, just waiting for new pump to turn up now

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