Ha ha, yeah don't trust the buggers! Hey and bye the way, if you're seriously taking the Landys around Nurburgring, don't forget to take a packed lunch, and a couple of jerry cans........it's a long way round there!!!!:D
it'll all be documented here!

wasnt totally enthusiastic about it at first, but when the nipper went to granny's for the school hols an i was left at a loose end, thought i'd do summat with the series.

uncle zip (oppo 2) felt left out so ressurected his from its resting place and grubby john (oppo 3) who threatened the whole thing in the first place while ****ed, is still flapping about sills and lead loading or p38 on the maz. his shed is still full of auto****e stuck in his front garden cos we've run outa room in the shop. would help if the maz werent there, but hey, its his and while its there i've got the head start!

really picked enthusiasm up for this, might slow down after the hols but its goin to nurburgring sometime! might not go round fast, but it'll happen. along with the epic of getting there. and back. and who goes in it.

dont forget, you saw it here first........
an update.
been tied up with other bits, along with a fault on the disco headlights of which i'll document later an stick in the appropriate section and link to it if anyone's interested.

on with the pics.

access panels cut out for derv tank


fillet strip removed from old floor and cleaned up

secured with countersunk m6 bolts

door rubber refitted to fillet

on to the passenger rear floor. addressing the gap between the floor and c pillar

bent up a lump of chequer plate to fill the gap

and fitted


temporary seat as i needed to shift it

and it appears i'm being heckled by an opposition.
suspect oppo 3, as oppo 2 had me stripping fubar'd front swivels.....
no pics of that tho, as cant be documenting the sabotage...

and an unhappy dog doing the write ups.
A full online apology to NRG today as he spent all day working on my front axle instead of working on his own shed.....
well the nipper's back from granny's, school's restarted and i'm back to the 2 1/2 hours free every morning.
work on the 109 is gonna slow down, as i need to get other peoples stuff sorted in my available time and the latest "can you just..." is of all things, welding / patching a couple of skips.
yeah, a skip.
bonus is at least i can just wack the welder right up and blast. the parent metals thick enough and with new steel really is just point and press with the mig.

it was while making a start on this last night the next 109 problem became evident. as the 109's reasonably moveable, ie its got wheels, starts, drives and steers, (it even stops fairly good), its been used for shunting skips from the yard next door to the shop.
well, end of the night and its apparent there is summat not quite liquid tight somewhere. a nice trail of spots, bigger patches where its been parked with the engine running.
traced it to the arse end, grim thoughts that i'd cracked the diesel tank when messing about as the bottom of its covered in derv.
"only when the engines running" thinks i, so wonder if spill pipes boogered.

seems the bodge i did in sometime past, where the spill pipe was connected to a random rubber pipe, the bodge kinda gave up.
need to sort this out, then as and when time permits sort the original bits out i thought was the only stuff.........

pics an stuff next time!
still not done owt, but as I landed in the series section for other reasons, thought I'd bump it again.:rolleyes:

one day..........

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