I put a Valeo solid flywheel conversion and a Tazu metal slave cylinder in mine (well, SWMBOs) last week for £600 plus whatever it cost for new synthetic oil in the IRD and gearbox which I don't remember.
It seems to work well.

How are you getting on with the Solid? I understand that pulling away will be more of a kick in the backside than usual, but beyond that, is there much difference?
Strangely one for a Rover 75 is cheaper (see http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280808026510 )
The one I fitted is one that I bought privately for £300 from a fellow who bought it for a 75/ZT, and when I checked the Valeo part numbers they were the same.
You could just PM the seller and check what Valeo part number he is selling and just don't tell him it's for a Freelander.
The difference might be down to the slave cylinder but I bought one separately from Tazu anyway. I am not fitting any more plastic hydraulic components to our Freelander. If the master cylinder fails I will find a way to bodge in a generic Girling master cylinder instead.
Our combination of Rover 75 flywheel / Tazu metal slave seems to work well and as far as I can tell drives exactly the same as it did before (except the the pedal works properly now).
If you are near to West London / M25 J16 you are welcome to visit for a demo.
By the way our had done 128,000 miles and i was forced to deal with it because the hydraulics kept failing with the pedal going to the floor. The mechanic showed me the old clutch, and, he said that the DMF was okay but the clutch plate had hardly any meat on it and was wearing unevenly so I think it was nearing the end of its life anyway. For this reason I'm not too sorry to have had to spend the ££s. I don't think that you can expect to buy any £1500 13 year old vehicle with 128k miles and not have a bit of a problem with it.

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