Dave Needham

New Member
Hi every1!! Kenyan main dealer tells me sulphur content in diesel is too high for Rangey!! English army mechanic (been there 20yrs) tells me if i change oil every 5000kms it will be ok? Anyone got any further knowledge? - HELP!!! ;o)
Hi Dave:

I was in CMC (Cooper Motor Company) down in Nairobi's Industrial Area a few years back (1999 I think) when the P38 had just come out. The workshop area was full of brand new P38's (Government Ministers!!!) which were all suffering from the same problem. The workshop manager told me they had broken engines due to the high sulphur content of the fuel out there. I don't think oil changes would make a difference here. If you want I can try to get a number to call (CMC's) or somone else who you can talk to about it but don't forget that parts for cars in Kenya are VERY VERY expensive due to import taxes. At least twice as much as parts in the U.K.

My advice - Get yourself an old 2 door 3.5 V8 classic sorted out without anything to go wrong (electronics/suspension etc).


Hi Rich!

Thanx for that. Already been to CMC - it was them who gave me the "bad" news. I happened to bump into the British Army mechanic whilst there and he said the same engine was in the landrover - but I know what you mean - he indicated it was an oil line clog up problem from the diesel through combustion- but a friend of mine here says he's heard the sulphur simply makes em run too hot - 2 different problems!!!

Waitin to hear from landrover!!
Many thanx!


I remember someone saying elsewhere that the newer 300 series Tdi was the last engine that was practical to use in Kenya – even this struggled possibly due to fuel issues. Most people used the 200Tdi engines and I know for definite that the Td5 was a no-no.

It was generally said that the sulphur content made the engine overheat BUT I do know that very often diesel was contaminated with kerosene and/or water. The kerosene was added on purpose and water often just got into the storage tanks in fuel stations due to poor drainage.

What are you intending doing out there? Kenya is the best place in the world unless you have a P38!!!:D

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