
New Member
Been reading other people post about lack/drop/loss of power with there motors and after a dealer solved the issue I thought I would report/get peoples feedback on what was said. Yes Said, not done........

to explain... I have already had the MAF Sensor replaced under warranty, which WAS (the dealer said) faulty, and had the car ( TD4 on 05 plate ) back to the dealer three times after LR assist have looked at it twice...

So having been given the car back and told there is nothing wrong with it. I took it down to my local dealer to get them to see first hand what is happening now. Some 2 weeks after be given all clear, nothing wrong with it sir speach.The problem has arisen again...

On hill starts, I explain, this happens.... first gear, engage biting on clutch apply some gas and go to pull away,,, judder, judder judder... stall. start engine try again, judder, judder, drop of REVS give more gas lag lag lag comes alive and up the hill we go.

Ah, yes, says the service guy.... you'll never get rid of that they all do it. Its the velocity joint engaging and then the diff mixing up, hence the drop if power and stalling/lag before initial pick up...

Fine I thought, sounds like he knows what he's talking about, sounds a good theory... but we don't trust the car now... pulling out of Junctions is risky as we have to allow for the juddering. And frankly feel the car is a death trap...

Anyone shed any light on this??? is this the case are they all like this... Having driven more cars than hot dinners... never encountered such a thing before... and it starts to happen most of the time 15 minutes into a journey and the remainder there of...?

I await guidance...

Oh and we also have developed the lack of power above 70mph, although this is after approx 5 mins of motorway time before this happens.

Many many thanks for any help

what a load of old bollocks your dealer seems to be speaking ! Viscous coupling would only be engaging if front and rear wheels were travelling at different speeds. (do a search on this forum for how it works).

Mine doesn't do it (td4 auto), no car should stall when pulling away unless you're being a right tit and trying to pull away up hill with no throttle then you get what you deserve
:) this is what we are thinking...

But what do you do when your local dealer tells you this...

With the warranty expiring in 2 months we want this sorting... I have taken steps to get another dealer to look at it, but frankly they are further away and I am running out of options.

Our feelings for the LR brand at the mo is less than favourable.

Should this continue I will have to further our reach to LR HQ and trading standards... but I would much prefer to get it sorted without all the hassle of this.

Edit to say: Its not just happening to me but my other half too... we are just loosing confidence it the car and feel unsafe when pulling onto busy roads... Really it is that bad at times.
take it back to the dealer and ask them to fix it. If they will not, ask them to get you another vehicle of same engine/gearbox variant, and similar age, to let you check wether indeed "they all do it". If they won't, tell them you are rejecting the vehicle under the sale of goods act as being unfit for purpose. Get trading standards involved, and if it's on finance, copy all correspondence to the finance company.

Oh, and after every visit, confirm everything said and done in a letter to the service manager, along with a copy to LR customer services and the MD of the dealership. (this information will be available on the internet)
Been to another dealer this weekend...

After he tried to make it do what we were saying it wouldn't :( sods law.

anyhow. was understanding and said that he'd put it on the computer and see if it threw up anything.

Came back and said no, however what I have done is disconnect the ERG or EGR pipe and blocked it. See if this gets rid of it, and after driving around all yesterday... didn't even do it once for us.... said he was doing this to try and narrow down were the fault might lie... MAF side or turbo side first

All the way through the 15/20 minute test drive (with us in it) you could see he was thinking about what it might have been... very impressed with this recommended on this very forum. :)

Anyhow going to see what happens on our usual daily drive and ring them next week... book it in and get the problem sorted...
Take the main air intake pipe off the EGR (90 deg elbow) and have a look inside with a mirror and light, It may be that its blocked with gunk & its restricting air flow. There easy enough to remove, 4 bolts and undo a jubilee style clip and clean out with petrol, Mine came up sparkling with 20 mins work, after this you will see the inlet manifold, Thats my next job in summer to clean that out properly.

Mine has done 78k miles though

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