Apart from odd tosser great advice.

2 main roads blocked on why back home so decided to divert through the lanes. This is where the fun really began. After going through a village there is a back road which is about 10 minutes in normal conditions. Snow and drifting had occurred but decided to go for it. 5 minutes down road and Range Rover stopped coming other way and said so not attempt going over hill as it is impassable with a Disco already stuck. Decided to try three point turn which caused mt to slide sidewards down the road. Back in control went back an easier route!

All good fun in end

Glad it worked out okay for you.
snow drivings ace mate,select high,floor it till kick down,little flick of steering wheel left or right doesnt really matter,then adjust to suit your condition,great fun better if there is other road users so you have things to dodge...other than that get the bus...

forget that youd have to make it rwd first lol
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snow drivings ace mate,select high,floor it till kick down,little flick of steering wheel left or right doesnt really matter,then adjust to suit your condition,great fun better if there is other road users so you have things to dodge...other than that get the bus...

not in a td5 with tc
snow drivings ace mate,select high,floor it till kick down,little flick of steering wheel left or right doesnt really matter,then adjust to suit your condition,great fun better if there is other road users so you have things to dodge...other than that get the bus...

Leave the boring awd disco with all its flashing Christmas lights on the dash at home, pick up a cheap BMW E36 and have fun on your way too and from work :D

seriously.. worrying about the snow in a 3 or 400bhp rwd car is bad enough, but somebody afraid of it when they have a Landrover?!? :confused:

If you get a knife to the abs sensor wires, its even more fun of course as you'll stop the TC interfering :D
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Leave the boring awd disco with all its flashing christmas lights on the dash at home, pick up a cheap BMW E36 and have fun on your way too and from work :D

seriously.. worrying about the snow in a 3 or 400bhp rwd car is bad enough, but somebody afraid of it when they have a landrover?!? :confused:

If you get a knife to the abs sensor wires, its even more fun of course as you'll stop the TC interfering :D

wish i had my carlton 2.6 beast in sheeps clothing that was fun in snow if you did not mind which direction you wer going:D
Haha, I can't wait for the snow this year if we get it over here at all.

I'll be picking up a 200 euro sh!tbox such as an E34 525 or something... weld the diff for some "traction" and have a blast with it... If I end up having too much fun then and stick it into a ditch, home for the 110 then and pull it out and off we go again :D

Snow is brilliant fun and teaches you a hell of a lot about car control too without doing silly speeds to get a car on the limit like you normally would so great for people that never even felt what it is like to be moving in a direction that your seat is not facing in :p

Just try to keep to the quiter roads and away from towns with any hilly or sloping roads in case some other idiot that really hasn't got a clue hits you.

I have to diss agree with that, i found when i had my CDL engaged in snow it was harder to control and want to oversteer and as soon as took disengaged CDL had much more control IMHO

Oversteer is far easier to control than understeer anyway as you can use both the steering wheel and accelerator to adjust things when the tail steps out. If its all staying perfectly straight until it suddenly starts to slide wide and understeer across the road, your pretty much a passenger really until you hit either the hedge, wall or other car.

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