
Active Member
Hi Folks!
All of a sudden my Tailgate will not unlock, also the drivers door will not lock with the fob but will unlock! Also by pressing the sill lock when inside the central locking does not activate. It will if I use passenger door sill button. Bought a new battery (old one was iffy anyway), checked fuses, took off door panel and looked for anything obvious but nothing. Can manage the door but not being able to get in to boot is a pain!!!!

Any ideas please!

P38 2.5 DT 1995

Sounds familiar - my 94 P38 is exactly the same - remote switches off the alarm and unlocks rear doors, key unlocks drivers door and nothing unlocks passenger door (apart from fingers inside!) but pushing passenger door button down locks all doors except drivers!.

Anyway, my tailgate is linked to the drivers door so when I use the key in the drivers door it unlocks the tailgate - it took me a while to finding this out though.

I've just got used to using the remote to switch the alarm off and then the key to unlock the drivers door.

It may not help but at least you're not alone.
Hi, Thanks for your reply,

I just went out and tried with the key ....... no luck. Key operation only unlocks drivers door so does not disable alarm. Locking with key locks all doors but then unlocking again only unlocks drivers door again. All the while the tailgate remains locked ..... arghh!!! Also I have noticed that key access code has stopped working!.

I wouldn't mind too much if I could get in the boot.


Hi, Thanks for your reply,

I just went out and tried with the key ....... no luck. Key operation only unlocks drivers door so does not disable alarm. Locking with key locks all doors but then unlocking again only unlocks drivers door again. All the while the tailgate remains locked ..... arghh!!! Also I have noticed that key access code has stopped working!.

I wouldn't mind too much if I could get in the boot.



You need to replace the drivers side door latch. The tailgate wont open as the drivers door latch seems to have failed - the two problems are related. Once you replace the drivers side door latch you will have your boot open again. I personally would not delay with getting the latch replaced, not only is it an annoyance not being able to unlock remotely if i remember correctly you may not be able to synch the remote should the batteries go flat in it.

-Wills :)
Hi, Thanks for your reply,

I just went out and tried with the key ....... no luck. Key operation only unlocks drivers door so does not disable alarm. Locking with key locks all doors but then unlocking again only unlocks drivers door again. All the while the tailgate remains locked ..... arghh!!! Also I have noticed that key access code has stopped working!.

I wouldn't mind too much if I could get in the boot.



Hi Lenb
I have the same problem and would be grateful to know if and how you sorted the problem out.

Thanks Craig
Hi Craig,
I took the door panel off and couldn't find anything broken. Didn't fancy spending on a new door latch as suggested by an earlier reply. It was suggested that it was maybe a switch problem so I got the wd40 out and sprayed around that area. I then operated the sill lock by hand for a good while. In fact I started to get a little annoyed :eek: and was about to give up when all of a sudden the other locks responded. (I must have been working the lock for a good 15 - 20 minutes). Since then no problems so I assume a dry contact or something that wd40 and my working the sill lock up and down sorted.

Hope yours is as easy ........ and cheap!

Hi all,

Just had the same problem on my P38, ended up spending a day with Autologic / Rave wire diagrams. Checked out all the wiring harness and connectors right back to the BECM, turned out that one of the switches on the drivers door lock would not switch and give 8 volts to the drivers door outstation. the end result was new drivers door lock assembly, I had to change the passenger door lock as well. as it was all jammed up.

It was a good learning exercise. I now know the ins and outs of the rangies security system.

You need to replace the drivers side door latch. The tailgate wont open as the drivers door latch seems to have failed - the two problems are related. Once you replace the drivers side door latch you will have your boot open again. I personally would not delay with getting the latch replaced, not only is it an annoyance not being able to unlock remotely if i remember correctly you may not be able to synch the remote should the batteries go flat in it.

-Wills :)
if i was you lenb i would heed wills advice or you may just end up in a world of sh*t ;) .
if i was you lenb i would heed wills advice or you may just end up in a world of sh*t ;) .

or, before you end up in a world of sh*t you will end up in a world of embarrassment when the latch fails completely on you with the door locked and stuck shut (i guarantee you this will happen at the most annoying time, i.e. at that dinner party you got invited to or whatever)

You will then have the wonderful task of getting out by crawling out of the window OR making it across the centre console and out the passenger door. After this you will then have the really enjoyable task of getting the door open. :D

-Wills :)

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