
New Member
Hi all,

I have a 2001 Range Rover & the driver's door handle kept sticking and was difficult to open. Today my husband pulled a little too hard & the whole handle came off in his hand!! oops!

Anybody know if this is a nightmare job or an easy job. The car keeps locking itself so can't even open that door now. Typical it happens on a bank holiday!

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance,

Replacing the door handle is not difficult as long as you can get the door card off.
I'd be more worried when you say that the door keeps locking itself. If it's just locked then that's O.K. but if it's locked but you can still hear the mechanism trying to operate then you need to get in there before the lock mechanism burns itself out.

That's a relief that the door handle itself is not too much of a problem. The door is only locking when we try to unlock but not continuously doing so so hopefully won't burn out. I'll take it to a dealer on Tuesday & hope it doesn't cost the earth.

inside or outside handle?take it to a dealer and it probably will cost the there a good indy in the blackpool area anyone?
Thought I read recently that it was a pain of a job to remove the door handles, is it easy enough to do?

That sig sure is distracting, takin me 10 mins just to type this out! :5blurk5:

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