mally b

New Member
I have a 1997 P38 2.5 dse .... which has recently developed a couple of electrial problems .....the window will not go down, central locking will not operate off the remote (all other doors still work) and the drivers mirror does not work (passenger one is fine).

I though it was the driver door H outstation so I have bought one off ebay just fitted it but have the same faults. I am aware the outstation off ebay could also be faulty !!

Has any one ever had this problem or any ideas what it could be...? :confused:
i have never had any of the above problems, but, i have seen and repaired a lot of vehicles, where the wires coming from the vehicle to the door have broken with age and use, inside the rubber.
hope this helps.
Hi,my rangie had the same problem with window it needed a regulator and the passenger door was the same it needed an activator.Might be worth a look
I am going to check the wiring in the door rubber at the weekend as suggested by Al it is possible it has lost a feed or earth as it has made me loose the lot elec window, c/locking only on the drivers door and o/s elec mirror........
Thanks I will do..... I did test some of the wires last weekend with a probe and it seemed very dim but ran out of time ....thats when I first asked the question !

It just seems strange to loose the lot and then to have the same fault with a different outstation which is what I first thought was the problem....
Thanks I will do..... I did test some of the wires last weekend with a probe and it seemed very dim but ran out of time ....thats when I first asked the question !

It just seems strange to loose the lot and then to have the same fault with a different outstation which is what I first thought was the problem....

Are you able to enter your EKA code in the drivers door and unlock the car and drive it away?

My P38 just had the latch and micro-switch replaced along with the loom. The previous owner used the EKA code all the time to deactivate the immobiliser to start the car as the RF receiver issue was causing the car to immobilise each time. When I bough the car the EKA code never worked and that was the reason why, he never cured the problem and got around the symptom.
There is some info and door wiring diagrams on the link below. Also tests for door outstation and Lock actuator.
hi adam
I can open and lock it with the key and there is no problem with starting.....
the more I think about it if its not the outsation it is a wiring problem..
hi adam
I can open and lock it with the key and there is no problem with starting.....
the more I think about it if its not the outsation it is a wiring problem..

Just had the door loom replaced with the latch, and teh latch and the loom are totally different design now if bought or repaired at an official LR garage/dealer.

Mine must of broke ages ago. It caused a huge electrical fault and cost me £900 to fix.
have a look for breakers on ebay, i'm sure someone will post you a new loom for a few quid. my car has done 180k miles and the door loom is in perfect nick so i dont think they go that often!
have a look for breakers on ebay, i'm sure someone will post you a new loom for a few quid. my car has done 180k miles and the door loom is in perfect nick so i dont think they go that often!

It depends, my loom and latch/microswitch went because the previous owner took the door off 20-30 times maybe even more its hard to tell.

So much so, the brackets inside are now shot and have broken off inside and has been repaired with tape and glue!

Reason being he was obviously trying to find out why his key fobs werent working and the EKA stopped working.

All were related to the RF Receiver issue ie the RF receiver was picking up stray wireless signals and waking up the BECM in turn immobilising the car. Then to get round that he used to EKA code to get in a drive. Finally after doing that god knows how many times the EKA stopped working.

After taking the door off to investigate, he didnt find anything visible and gave up and sold the car.

All it needed was the NEW 3rd revision replacement RF receiver that works and a new latch/microswitch for the drivers door then he wouldn't have need to use the EKA every time.

Its a costly and cautionary tale to anyone who hasnt had their RF receiver replaced in their P38.
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All sorted !!!!!!!!

the outstation had lost its feed on the purple/black wire, traced it back to a broken wire by the drivers seat, repaired it and soldered up the connection all back working again c/locking, window and mirror.....

thanks for every ones ideas ....


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