
New Member
Hiya all, today i parked up closed my window, about 3/4 way up the window just dropped straight back down, Ive had to lift the glasss up by hand and wedge it shut for now. The motor in the window is working but the glass seems to have seperated from a channel or something? anyone any ideas? Thanks
take the door panel off and you will see the channel that the window is supposed to sit in, pull your glass up then get the channel about half way up, fit the window in the channel and push down on the glass firmly, get a piece of 3x2 timber and hold on the top of the glass, wind the window up so that the timber forces the glass into the carrier, refit door panel and go make a brew ;)
the window regulater has probly fell apart it happened to me last sunday had a new one fitted yesterday cost £106 with fitting
Yea there are a few fairly weak looking spot welds which appear are meant to hold the lot together, these break and your left with an open window.
Ive had the same problem, Like the idiot that I am i told the garage to put a new one in which was around £100. when i got a look at the old one a spot weld had come apart,which I could have welded up in two minutes. What a Numpty.
If when you shut the door you hear some rattling, you will find that the window lifter has rusted through and the window is not sitting in the "F" runner bar, it will cost around £30 for the "F" bar and the window rubber.
To replace you will have to take the whole window assembly out of the door, it will take 2 of you to put the window in the lifter bar and rubber as it is a tight fit.
It took me about 2 hrs to do take the assembly out and put it all back to gether, getting the motor lifter arms back in to the lifter bar was a real pain in the butt.
But have fun doing the job, it is reqarding to see the window go up and down again by the switch and not by hand!

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