Well you can't really say it's do-able in a gaylander when you took a real landrover :D It's not the off road ability that makes us critisize them. It's the fact that they break down and the doors fall off... :D

Just had a look at your website, nice job ;)

Did you take your dog the whole way ?
I know this is a dusty old gal of a topic, but I needed some advice...
Im thinking of doing this trip in a defender in maybe four years or so and I was interested to find out what some peoples total costs where and how long it took them to do it?
Its already been done in a Freelander by a couple of guys recceing for the London to Capetown 2012 World Cup Rally.
I wouldn't have a problem doing it in my Freelander, I think appart from punctures the only problem they had was with a front driveshaft which they knew was dodgy when they set off, they fitted a Honda one temporarilly until they got to a Land Rover dealers

The E.R.A. - London to Cape Town Rally - Route Survey

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