
New Member
ok so this makes me sound like a numtie but

on the long two part shaft (propshaft ?) that goes to the back axle is a large metal lump made of two or three parts. having just taken the whole thing off to replace some rubber and bearing mounts either side i can not remember which way it goes back on. it think i saw a picture on here of it but i cannot find it now.
does it matter which way round it goes

sorry for being thick
here is a picture of the offending items. I have pointed the way forwards! Sorry about the quality but its good enough to see the details.
Make sure the vcu bearings are set square to the axis of the propshaft before tightening bolts. good luck!:)


  • vcu.jpg
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many thanks

by now you might have realized that i an the kind of person who should have lessons to operate a can openner but instead i chose to buy a freelander so i am afraid that the stupid questions keep on comming

i have now reassemled every thing and it works

however............... while man handleing yhe vcu a large amount of oil came our. how do i put more oil backinto it and what type

whilst reassebeling i noticed an ammount of free play in one of the univeral joints on the front section. how much movement is acceptable and what are the likly risks of driving it like this while i order a new one

It sounds like the VCU is gubbard, it's a sealed unit filled with a silicon gel so if it's leaking your stuffed. There should be no play at all in the Hardy Spicer joints, they can be replaced but dare I say, only if you have been shown how as they can be tricky for the novice.
The larger Tripod joint at the front isn't available separately as far as I know.
It sounds like the VCU is gubbard, it's a sealed unit filled with a silicon gel so if it's leaking your stuffed.

This is also often indicated by the need to replace the prop shaft support bearings........which is what the OP has just done! :doh: :)
As no one has answered your last bit... Once the U/J's wear the deterioration is fairly rapid particularly on this type of drive system due to the higher loads so until they are replaced it is slow speeds and short journeys only. Replace ASAP.
On older rear wheel drive cars many would drive until they heard a drone and get away with it.

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