
New Member
Don't know if this is old news, but thought I'd share it to help some of you save a few quid...

Since I got my 110 pickup I have driven down to Bristol and back in it once, which involved going across the (old) Severn Bridge. I paid roughly £11 for the toll, which I was expecting to as a commercial vehicle.

Well tonight I had to drive down there again, and on the way back pulled up at the kiosk expecting to pay £11 again. However, the digital display thing showed class 1 (normal cars) with a price of £5.70. The young lady at the kiosk wasn't sure, and called her manager over. He said apparentley there was a law brought in in 1967, classing all "Jeeps" as cars and not commercial vehicles, including my 110 pickup :D:D

For a fiver saved, I let him get away with the "Jeep" comment :doh: He said to keep todays reciept in the truck, and if anyone tries to charge me as a commercial vehicle again ask to speak to their manager!

Hope this helps some people, especially those who drive on tolls regularly

yes this has always been the case.

we get our sign written 110's across all the time for £5.70 :)

but the astra vans? no chance!

I had no idea, was well chuffed with a fiver more than expected to come back with! Thought it was worth sharing in case other people didn't know...

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