
Active Member
Engine is a 300tdi.

I highly suspect the answer is no, but can anyone comment on whether it is ok to run the engine with no exhaust or intake manifold.

I have had to take the turbo off to replace but urgently need to move the vehicle. Due to circumstance I cannot explain, the vehicle cannot be pushed or towed.

The engine wouldn't be exceeding 1500rpm however it would be running at these revs for about 30mins.

Any indication this will do harm and I will not bother, I just want to eliminate the option.

Many thanks
A big issue i can imagine will be if anything is sucked in the intake thatll be the end of your engine. Lack of exhaust probably less of a problem although fumes into the cabin will be an issue.
A big issue i can imagine will be if anything is sucked in the intake thatll be the end of your engine. Lack of exhaust probably less of a problem although fumes into the cabin will be an issue.

Yeh I had thought about noise, fumes into cab/intake. I can actually put the manifold back on with a filter, just no turbo, so it would just be the exhaust exposed. No harm in that I suppose. Looks like I may not have to do all this in the end anyway.
Be a hell of a racket, i drove a car a couple of miles years ago with no exhaust or manifold, loads of odd noises, but no damage, apart from deafness!! No ill effects at all

Wear muffs!

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