
New Member
Hi there am after some help please, Defender 110 heavy duty special vehicles 2001.
Currently replacing front bearings, CV Joint, Overhaulin Swivel, got to the nearside all going well finished the offside but the drive flange (nearside) will not come off, I mean it is really stuck! have removed the bolts, have removed the cir-clip and small shim seems to be some rust removed that but it wont budge (lent my pullers to someone) any clever easy things I might have overlooked. Please, thank you in advance.
I looked at Busters posts and others but to no avail.
It sopunds as though it has been fitted using a sealant rather than a gasket. Either way, you will have to break the seal.

Get a broad, flat bladed screwdriver, grind it to a long chisel edge, and then **** it in between the flange and the housing.

Always worked for me!

When replacing it, clean all the residue off both faces and refit it using a proper gasket.
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td5 especially rust up solid due to lack of lubrication to drive member ,grease splines well when refitting ,you will have to lever and whack cv end at same time with copper hammer bigger the better ,its quite common often takes me 1/2 an hour if really bad
Hi chaps thank you yes all the others came off OK but your right very dry and Oxidised inside.
Have never had a problem, had also tried whacking it with a VVV large lump filed down HD screwdriver etc it still sitting there. Yep the seal is broken and yes it has been put on with sealant, have tried the 'take a run at it with heavy object, thats the CV but still no joy'. Had Lightweight, many Defenders and never this.
Have now borrowed pullers from my neighbour (only 2 miles away).
I will try all these options again and maybe some heat but once again thats great advice I think i really will get the Sledge Hammer (sledge hammer that's what the GF calls it, I asked her once what she was on about, she reckons it was used to make sledges) out now (just kidding).
Cheers all.:D
Had the same on my mates TD5 , ended up heating up the drive flange with Oxy , but its was so badly corroded we ended up replacing the CV and drive flange .
Dont hit it where the bolts go through as you can squash the holes and not get bolts back though as i found out !!!!!!
Hi thanks for that,
yes the whole thing was a nightmare and heat and a lot of BFI helped although less of the ignorance and doing all this outside under the field shelter when its snowing (as it is again now) sort of stops the brain working, used pullers and destroyed them what a nightmare it not like im bad at this give me a U 2100 Unimog any day.
Anyway I did manage to reuse the flange and all went to plan but the botton swivel pin has sheared again this appears to be the part from ****PARTS so lesson learned just taking it all to bits again to check its not destroyed anything else. YEP its still snowing.

Anyway thank for the help and here's a thought,

I think Eagle can be equated to tea quite easily

as in 'Oh ****' its and eagle the **** is more commonly know as Pooh as in Whiny The Pooh and when writing a letter to Pooh re the lovely day we had over at his and the Tea we drank whilst there you can see how the mind of the advertising company might work or NOT,

No I dont get it either but its the only theory I've got.:rolly:

Does anyone know, whether the paper gaskets are the same for the front drive flange and the rear flange cover for my 1995 TDi Disco auto ?

I am planning to re-pack the wheel bearings (no problems with them but probably due at 273,000k).

Also what is the very best grease ? Is it some form of lithium grease and if so, what type specifically?

its not necessarily the very best but regular servicing ie changing that will prolong life and ensuring adjustments correct

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