nope - tiz semantics, but he has the wurds arse about face - using my example, would you agree that "buses are vehicles" and "vehicles are buses" is the same? Of course not. Rust is Oxidisation, so is Aluminium Oxide, and Zinc Oxide, but Oxide (of Aluminium or Zinc) is blatantly not Rust, as rust is a generic term for FE03 (Fe+O2+H2O).

And actually, i think you'll find Fe(OH)2 ⇌ FeO + H2O or Fe(OH)3 ⇌ FeO(OH) + H2O aka 2 FeO(OH) ⇌ Fe2O3 + H2O

No such thing as FE!
MHM may I thank you for beautifully putting the ageing dyslexic hairy septic in his place to save me the hassle ;)
e told someone to add a bottle of cetane to a tank the other day, 2 nations divided by a common .....
and what was wrong with that????????? the contex was to improve the combustibility of a veg oil mix fuel by adding cetane which is sold in bottles.

Like octane boost which is sold in bottles
and what was wrong with that????????? the contex was to improve the combustibility of a veg oil mix fuel by adding cetane which is sold in bottles.

Like octane boost which is sold in bottles

show me a bottle of cetane, which is what you you were saying the other day can be purchased, not a bottle of cetane booster

steel rusts
alloy corrodes

the action is movement of positive to negative elements , if all is ' in balance' there is no problem, if unbalanced the sacrificial material in it's nobility will deteriorate.

Oxygen causes the 'in balance'

So how does the oxygen get in? fretting of two different metal surfaces a scratch, etc opening the weaker nobility of that material, thus creating a fight of the negatives and positives creating salts (action), crystals/blisters that you see and call RUST or Corrosion
steel rusts
alloy corrodes

the action is movement of positive to negative elements , if all is ' in balance' there is no problem, if unbalanced the sacrificial material in it's nobility will deteriorate.

Oxygen causes the 'in balance'

So how does the oxygen get in? fretting of two different metal surfaces a scratch, etc opening the weaker nobility of that material, thus creating a fight of the negatives and positives creating salts (action), crystals/blisters that you see and call RUST or Corrosion

Exactly ;)
Seperating the metals will help here, as mentioned earlier it is not oxidisation but galvanic corrosion, that is in other words the two metal reacting with each other.

Where steel and ali need to come into contact, you can do things such as seperate the metals using nylon/neoprane washers, silicons, plastics, seam sealers depending on the type of joint you are trying to seperate.

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