Hi guys,
finally decided to take the BECM out today in an effort to cure some of the spurious messages i get, safe and secure in the knowledge i had saved the link some kind soul posted,with a very well written explanation of the BECM boards etc,got it out no visible dry joints etc, thought i would just put computer on and check how to strip it only to find i hadnt got the link!!

so question is does anyone else have it saved? I think it was posted by desertdude,but i have been back 40 pages and tried searching for it but to no avail,it was a damn good link the page was very well explained along with good drawings or photos of the dreaded Becm
hoping someone else kept it properly!!
not really surprised i cant find it as ive only just found a pm from Datatek that he sent before christmas! doh!!:confused:
I love that thread on RR.net. It's somewhat accurate. I have quite a few on there with regards to some of their threads. If fact, i supplied all the equipement to the site admin to start a becm workshop in the States, but it didn't work out.

Just be careful stripping down your becm, & prepare yourself that it might not work again afterwards. However, I have a huge huge stock of repacement parts if needed.
Was this the Dersertdude thread you were thinking of?


This one from RANGEROVERS.NET HOME gives shed-loads of info:-
Demystifying the BeCM

Good luck!


PS. it's always a good idea to put your location in your Profile ('About Me' section)

Pete your a star!! it was a link on the 2nd one you posted! the pics were good on desertdudes post which is maybe why i remembered it, as to location, Ahem Im in spain! not to many people here with nanocom or fault mate,so have to be very careful what i take apart and cross fingers, offer sacrifices to the gods,and pray everytime i do it!!
cheers bud!
I love that thread on RR.net. It's somewhat accurate. I have quite a few on there with regards to some of their threads. If fact, i supplied all the equipement to the site admin to start a becm workshop in the States, but it didn't work out.

Just be careful stripping down your becm, & prepare yourself that it might not work again afterwards. However, I have a huge huge stock of repacement parts if needed.

Thanks Rick,Im hoping never to have to use your services as postage here is ,A expensive
B non existant for parcels
C big parcels get left at the local townhall then no one notifies you of its arrival and they kind of vanish into thin air!!
See my post to pete,I walk on eggshells around the damn car just in case!!
chickened out of taking Becm apart just cleaned all cntacts with cleaner and a quick visual inspection of the top board,had ten mins this morning to put it back in,didnt reasemmble seat or its connections,the engine fired ointo life(hurrah) central locking works, BUT!!
no electric windows or sunroof functioning! damn
anyone know which connector this is likely to be? wont get back onto it till late this afternoon, so hopefully its something simple like a poorly plugged ion connector? or am i dreaming?:eek:
chickened out of taking Becm apart just cleaned all cntacts with cleaner and a quick visual inspection of the top board,had ten mins this morning to put it back in,didnt reasemmble seat or its connections,the engine fired ointo life(hurrah) central locking works, BUT!!
no electric windows or sunroof functioning! damn
anyone know which connector this is likely to be? wont get back onto it till late this afternoon, so hopefully its something simple like a poorly plugged ion connector? or am i dreaming?:eek:
That could be the central switch pack - they have been known to give up the ghost and not be a fault of the BeCM....
chickened out of taking Becm apart just cleaned all cntacts with cleaner and a quick visual inspection of the top board,had ten mins this morning to put it back in,didnt reasemmble seat or its connections,the engine fired ointo life(hurrah) central locking works, BUT!!
no electric windows or sunroof functioning! damn
anyone know which connector this is likely to be? wont get back onto it till late this afternoon, so hopefully its something simple like a poorly plugged ion connector? or am i dreaming?:eek:

Download RAVE from the link in the "How To" section, that will give you all the connector ID's and everything else you might want:)
Download RAVE from the link in the "How To" section, that will give you all the connector ID's and everything else you might want:)
yep have downloaded it but for some reason this old computer cannot open it(xp)trying to get some time to download it onto my windows 7 newer one in the hope that will be able to open it!,didnt get a chance to get back on it today, and doubt i will tomorrow either,internet conncection here is shall we say variable?(wireless and extremely slow(54mb)often drops out with no warning and can be off for days at a time,
ah the joys of living a hasle free life in the mountains of spain eh?
yep have downloaded it but for some reason this old computer cannot open it(xp)trying to get some time to download it onto my windows 7 newer one in the hope that will be able to open it!,didnt get a chance to get back on it today, and doubt i will tomorrow either,internet conncection here is shall we say variable?(wireless and extremely slow(54mb)often drops out with no warning and can be off for days at a time,
ah the joys of living a hasle free life in the mountains of spain eh?
You are better off with XP than 7, depending on the download it may be an ISO file that needs converting to run, try alcohol120%, Google it.
If all else fails, I can send it to you on a CD.:)
You are better off with XP than 7, depending on the download it may be an ISO file that needs converting to run, try alcohol120%, Google it.
If all else fails, I can send it to you on a CD.:)

now that sounds good to me!! alcohol 120%? will google it,take it i can,t buy any to drink though:)

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