But what does turning the ignition off do that pulling the battery doesn't?
In the FL, probably signals the ECU to cut power to the injectors. In older cars, directly cuts power to the stop solenoid on the injector pump. These would give my uncle 'trouble' at times in his cars, so would be removed. Hence, most of his cars would have to be stopped by engaging fifth then dropping the clutch with the brake on. An interesting diversion in a supermarket car park.
In normal circumstances removing the battery won't stop the engine if the ignition is still on. This is because the alternator is, as said, is powering all electrical items, including it's own exciter circuit.

However this is all irrelevant with this particular turbo fault. The turbo compressor oil seal has failed. This has allowed engine oil to become atomised into the boosed air. Being a diesel, it will happily run on oil. Hot engine oil is combustible enough to run a diesel. So in this instance, the engine ran flat out in a self-sustaining manor. If there is no outside intervention, the engine will continue to run flat out until one of 3 things happen. Those are, bottom end or timing chain failure. Or all the fuel (oil) is used up. In the latter case, the engine may seize due to lack of oil (it's been burnt as a fuel). Or the fuel (oil) runs out and so the engine stops.
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The only way to stop this ever happening is remove the turbo and run a NA engine.
Then you could be as slow as the tratter boys:)
Come to think of it, would pulling a battery terminal even kill a normal running diesel engine?

No it doesn't, my battery cable broke at the +ve connection when I was driving back from Lincolnshire, I lost all electrics but the engine kept running. (Was 2.5na at the time). However I am sure that was the reason my alternator died a few weeks later.
Yes - it kills the fuel pump

Mine kept running though? 2.4na at the time. I was travelling at about 50mph when I noticed I had no electrics. I presume the engine lift pump was enough to keep it running?

Although my alternator dying may have been why I didn't have electrics either - not sure it was charging? I fitted a new cable and all was fine for a bit but battery was lazy so replaced, that went flat so checked alternator and was not charging properly so replaced and now all good

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