
Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
I want to drain the tank on my disco 200tdi coz I reckon there's some crap in there that I don't want getting in the system. Is there a way of draining it without dropping the tank? or is dropping the tank quite easy?

many thanks as always :D
You won't drop it if it's full, weighs a ton.

I drained my 300 by unscrewing the sender unit and slipping in a length of flexible pipe, it took a while but I managed to syphon the tank dry. Then I could drop it, still bloody heavy though, two person job.

Pipe will need to be pretty small, maybe 3/8"
You won't drop it if it's full, weighs a ton.

I drained my 300 by unscrewing the sender unit and slipping in a length of flexible pipe, it took a while but I managed to syphon the tank dry. Then I could drop it, still bloody heavy though, two person job.

Pipe will need to be pretty small, maybe 3/8"

Cheers Dave,

I've been running it down so the tank is nearly empty but didn't think they'd be that heavy being plastic, where does all the weight come from?
Piece of **** to drop the tank, I did it by myeslf on my back. Mine had previously been run on allsorts of **** and was full of nasty goo and gritty stuff. However if you pull up the boot carpet and sound deadening you will see an inspection plate which you can remove allowing you to take the sender out of the tank which gives you a nice big hole to put a syphon pipe in and even your arm if you so wish....
Piece of **** to drop the tank, I did it by myeslf on my back. Mine had previously been run on allsorts of **** and was full of nasty goo and gritty stuff. However if you pull up the boot carpet and sound deadening you will see an inspection plate which you can remove allowing you to take the sender out of the tank which gives you a nice big hole to put a syphon pipe in and even your arm if you so wish....
THats because your a big strong tough guy .......and ees a weed :D

It would have been much easier on mine (300tdi btw) if I could have took the towbar off, however being a plastic tank I managed to "manipulate" it in and out with a bar. Theres only the roll bar to drop down and 4 bolts on the tank strap and thats all that holds the tank in bar the pipework. :D
I got the sender off and syphoned out the nasty old **** that was in the bottom of the tank, don't think I'll bother dropping it as it looks alright in there.

cheers guys :D

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