You may have noticed some downtime of the forum in the last few weeks. This is due to the large amount of traffic the forum is now getting. I have been tweaking the server but at the end of the day it's time for new hardware. I've ordered a new server which should be available this weekend and should solve the downtime problems and increase the speed of the site. Its an uber super server with octoprocs and gigabananas and scsi's and flashy lights. Only problem is it costs a bloody fortune.
I'm not one to normally beg, but most any forum(especially big ones) usually have a donation section so users can help to pay for the costs involved in keeping us running.
We've got thousands of visitors to this site every day and if only a few of them donate then it will be a big help!
I have added a new section that you can get to by clicking the donate link (above left), this enables people to donate via paypal. Anyone who donates will be able to edit their user title and also get a lovely red colour for their displayed names in who's online and in forum posts. There may be more goodies for donaters in the future.. Who knows.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for making this a successful forum and please donate if you can! :eek:
Spam Spam. Send fer Accy. :D :D .

Only joking I'll send yer some dosh but it won't be much.
I was under the impression we got paid for coming on here.....I was going to complain as I hadn't recieved nothing yet....but it all becomes clear now
Roy, can you promise (contractually!) that if i make a donation you won't introduce a membership fee within, say, the next 2 years?
i don't do pay pal anymore since the thievin gits nicked £2500 out me account, so is it possible to make a dunation another way?
right then mr.roy, ive signed up fer the monthly membership fee, so i expect not ter get fookin banned agin now ;)
There will never be a membership fee! :)

I wouldn't normally ask for donations, but the server upgrade is ruddy expensive, so every little helps!
i don't do pay pal anymore since the thievin gits nicked £2500 out me account, so is it possible to make a dunation another way?

Yu Red Rose fookers will say anything ta get out of paying up. yer tight lanccy bugga's
well the way i see it is that we all sit on here typing inane drivel night after night, so its not a lot to pay. if everyone that is a regular signs up fer the 2.50 per month then we will be laffin, and mr.roy can tek us all on an xms bash
I've done mine but it might tek a while cos it's gottta come out of me bank. Not allowed credit cards anymore.:mad:

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