I am currently preparing my commercial 300tdi disco for overlanding to Aus later in the year and I am planning to put in a false plywood floor at the level where the bottom of the windows would be, stuff underneath and sleep on top. The front seats have the leaver that tilts and slides them forward to allow access to the rear so I plan to fold them forward and extend the bed when I want to sleep in it.
I have a 2" memory foam type double mattress topper that may go to the cause.
I am definitely interested in seeing the pictures of how you have done yours!
wow!! camper in disco sound interesting if have photos do please let me know I wanna a peep at the setup and outlay cos if it is good I will do the same with mine and go seriously green laning and sleep too!!! cheers
my disco is having new bulkhead repair and inner wing patching tomorow had a shunt by a woman pulling out and insurance paid me money and told me to keep the car!!! fab!!! hehehe bought bumper and bulkhead and second hand wing and all done!!
Oi Raz He's nicked me idea, the bugga. Dint yer remember at the easter shindig. I mentioned a system having storage boxes in the back of the disco the same height as the folded over rear seats, and when the rear seats fold down putting an airbed on top of the back of the rearseat & boxes. Works better with a 3 door than it does with a 5 door cause yer can tilt the front seats forwards.
i do indeed mate, should have got a patent on it!

yella i wish i slept like a baby!! yer should have just nocked mate, think half hour was the longest period i slept that night,
In my pikey years, A few years ago I did this plywood thing in an old panel van and drove it around Australia. Basically a metal frame about 18" above the floor level with a ply top and a foam matress. kept all the stuff underneath. It worked a treat...

I lived in that van for 5 months and drove it about 14,000km in that time... Happy Days!
Having returned from overseas I can now respond to some of those who have posted on this thread that I started back in April. As has already been indicated in at least one other thread, my purpose and I assumed that of the forum was to share knowledge not to be slagged off for offering to do so or for asking questions e.g. ‘I know several LWB land Rovers have been fitted out for sleeping but I'd like to know if anyone else has tried it with a disco?’. It was useful to know how others had tried the concept. As to patent titles, (The term ‘patent’ was used generically to include all IPR designations) for the past 25+ years my wife has specialised in Intellectual Property Rights law for international clients so it is a subject for which I have access to some real expert knowledge.

With regard to RAZ8550TDI with your ‘bollox! am 6"1 can just about stretch in one with the rear seats down. need pics as i cant understand what the fook your talking about’. Is this really how forum members usually ask for information? If, as you have indicated, you think my response to this somewhat bizarre form of communication was ‘snotty’ it wasn’t intended to be, it was just factual. As a further factual point in response to your question, an idea alone cannot be IPR protected, it has to be in ‘material form’ so no it is not the idea alone that is being protected.

Sean, in response to your comment about costs, a patent application costs £200, a design registration costs £60 – hardly megabucks, unfortunately these days it’s just the cost of a couple of diesel fill-ups! Unlike diesel however under some circumstances it can be free where automatic rights exist. As to not telling people about IPR applications, it doesn’t matter once the application has been registered and date authenticated. If it is made available for sale or hire (it doesn’t have to be sold or hired just made available) within 5 years there are a further 10 years automatic protection from end of calendar year that it first occurred.
The forum has clearly indicated that owners prefer to build their own rather than buy ready made items and I can understand this, however clear drawings (photos really don’t help much) will probably be useful and for some the option to purchase a commercially made unit that requires no additional welding might be helpful. It is this option as well as the production of clear working drawings for a range of applications not just for Discos that we have been discussing with a potential manufacturer, so there will still be enough DIY to keep most people happy.
For those I’ve already responded to by PM, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
For the sake of clarity and the avoidance of doubt, none of the above is expressed or implied advice and if members of the forum have IPR issues they should consult with a specialist solicitor.
hello disco kid! still doesnt explain as to how a person gifted with height can lay down in the back of a disco?

hope you dont find this reply somewhat bizzare ;)
The maximum length we've been able to achieve is 6 feet but it seems to depend on how far forward the front seets will slide and tilt, it's different by a few mm in each of the five Disco1s we've measured. For those who are taller it might be possible to adjust the front seets to slide further forward but it's not something we've tried yet. Fortunately the 300tdi doesn't have sunroofs. My 200tdi sunroofs did leak but following advice from another owner instead of tightening the closure knobs hard down I now back them off a fraction after closing the sunroofs and now there are no leaks! It appears that pulling down the centre closure point tight causes the side edges to leak. As to photos, I don't think photos will help but detailed specification drawings are likely to be more useful and these are in the process of preparation. What we are now doing is trying the measurements against other Discos. I'll post details as soon as possible.
Any idea on how much this might cost? The reason i am going the DIY route is not becasue really want to (the rest of the car gives me enough to contend with) but because of no alternatives.
With the system i plan do build i am also going to have the rear section removable to allow the two occasional seats to be used if needed.


Disco-Dave, I’ll keep you informed as soon as I have some clear info. It shouldn’t take too long. Part of the discussions we are having is that if it is to be made commercially as a pre-fabricated unit there will be a price cap preventing it from becoming too costly otherwise we won’t sign the licence! One of the reasons we usually go down the Intellectual Property route is to prevent others making big bucks from marketing our ideas, we’ve seen far too many simple ideas at extortionate prices, we’re not doing this to make a profit, it was never even our intention to make it available commercially – it just happened. We also want to make DIY drawings available for those with the necessary facilities. If it does take off we would however like to cover the costs for producing drawings etc. as these costs can easily otherwise get out of hand.

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