
New Member

Had my first Series 3 SWB landy for 2 weeks now and I am having problems with the doors: they don't seem to shut properly.

They catch on the first part of the catch but don't seem to engage on the second proper part of the catch. I have tried moving the catching plate thing closer but it has made no difference. They don't seem to shut even with a large amount of force and body weight pushing them!!

Any advice on how to make the doors shut properly? Do the hinges need adjusting?



Had my first Series 3 SWB landy for 2 weeks now and I am having problems with the doors: they don't seem to shut properly.

They catch on the first part of the catch but don't seem to engage on the second proper part of the catch. I have tried moving the catching plate thing closer but it has made no difference. They don't seem to shut even with a large amount of force and body weight pushing them!!

Any advice on how to make the doors shut properly? Do the hinges need adjusting?


I had this problem on my old series 2, tried allsorts to start with including moving the striker plate about and fannying about with the door rubbers etc. The problem was the door handle mechanism, it was as dry as a witches tit. Take yer door card off (thats if yerv got one) and spray inside the door handle mechanism with WD40, absolutely soak it and you should be OK at that.

Regards WP.
spray inside the door handle mechanism with WD40, absolutely soak it
Thanks for the tips, I have tried this and the doors still not shutting.

They just don't seem to get close enough for the catch to go over the second lip of the lock bit on the door pillar. Its as though they are stuck on something but I can't find anything in the way!!

I think that I will take the door tops off over Christmas and see if that make a difference (no idea why it should but I have tried nearly everything else) and if that doesn't then the doors are off and I will try to rehang them.

I am coming to the conclusion that they may be slighly bent but it would be odd if it was both doors wouldn't it?

Any more tips or similar experiences welcomed.


Instead of sending the striker plate inwards bring it right out, then shut the door and make sure that it going onto the second catch if that works bit by bit move the striker in until you get to the point that it will not operate on the second latch and back it back a bit (this is the way that I was taught when serving my time as a panel beater 34 years ago). If this is still not working your door may be to far in at the front causing the door to "stop" before it is meant to and you are then bending the door to try and close it. Hope this helps, Barry
My doors shut fine at the bottom, but there's a half inch gap at the top - I thought this was normal! The Doris moans about the draught though.
Ey up I've got a noo hoose door.

Any old how are you sure the problems with the door bit of the catch, have a look at the frame to see if it has bent backwards and inwards taking the catch with it. There's a stiffener plate that goes back to the rear bulkhead that could have bent out of shape.
correct door fitting is an art form. ive known pukka panel beaters spend hours doing it properly. as much as a whole day to fit 4 doors.
Give ur striker plate a new lease of life using a grinder!
Use a bit of wd40 and a good old slam!

Mine used to catch on the 1st bit and open when i went off roading!

Use a bit of wd40 and a good old slam!

Tried the WD40 and the slamming, in fact all sorts of slamming - the slow then quick slam, the full on slam, the slam then hip shove - all no good, the catch won't go over the second part of the striker plate and the striker plate has been moved as close to the door as it can be.

I think that I will take the doors off over Christmas and see if attempting to rehang them solves the problem. I know that it is not a major thing but it is bugging me becuase I think that there is a simple solution but I can't find it.....yet!!



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